Genobio 1.16

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GenoBio 1.16
Family, Parents, Siblings Profiler

Genobio is a Geno-logical Profiler with Wiki Type Properties. It offers the ability to propagate information on a genological profile like a family or company base. It can also be cloned to a Personnel Profiler.

With Sibling and Parental Nodes, including photos and profiles, GenoBio can also be used for corporate profiles as well, but ideally suited to displaying family trees and family data.

This is the last stable release so far. Please test and offer comments and bug tickets on the mantis bug tracker.

Bugs Fixed:
  • Editors not working
  • Editors sizes not working

Download now: (227Kb)

XCenter 2.15 - Advanced Multilingual Content Module

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X-Center 2.15
Multilingual Tagged Content Pages

X-Center is a content module for XOOPS 2.4 and later, it uses the latest techniques to hone easy to present content on a standard page. it has an Inheritable block and all the accessories for Tag and other features. It also supports X-Language and multilingual pages with the same ID.

With this powerful module you can easily make content with any xoops site with version 2.4 or later. This is the only and must have for content with XOOPS.

There is no need to upgrade from 2.07 to this version unless you are having language storage issues.

Fixes Include:
  • RSS Feeds
  • Blocks
  • XOOPS 3.0 Compatibility
  • UNICODE Storage (Undone)
  • Templating Issues
  • RSS Bug in category adding.
  • Upgrade not firing producing garbage output.

Some of the features include:
  • Multilingual support of X-Language
  • Support Tag 2.3+
  • Inheritable block
  • SEO Clean URL
  • PDF Support
  • RSS Feeds
  • Optional Secure JSON Forms
  • Optional Sitemap Module Plugin
  • Optional Tag Module Plugin

Download: (6Mbs)
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Sticky Smarty Objects 1.08

Sticky Smart Objects 1.08

Sticky Smarty Objects is a module which offers a playlist of items for replacement of specified smarty tags. You can specify smarty tags which are replaced with the objectivity type for the smarty variable name specified. You can shuffle or display based on an IP in sequence.

There are two options the playlist which has a width and height for generic positioning as well as the smarty variable name. you can specify many different object types including: open, flash, youtube (Only specify one), images and images with a link.

Download: - 41Kb
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forContent module version 1.1 RC

We have ready forContent module version 1.01 RC for test and debug .

forContent is a new version of content module by formuss, and we have added some other options in this version . It's a simple module for building static and dynamic pages in your website .

Please help us to test this version. We would like release it ASAP, after successful testing.

You can download this version from here
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Extraterrestrial Embassy Upgrades to XOOPS 2.5.0

Extraterrestrial Embassy

ETE has been upgraded to XOOPS 2.5.x series of XOOPS, the upgrade from XOOPS 2.4.5 went without a hitch and it is now running the latest version of XOOPS.

All the modules where updated as well to the latest versions. ETE is the hub for with Corporate and Government as well as Personal bodies on the planet earth.

In aware of NOOSA and other faculties of the UN, it operates as it own chronological oasis on the web. There are several of these in the world, most being the basis of organised religion which most higher sentient lifeforms with deep space travel such as type 2 and type 3 civilizations find this pragmatic.

ETE is more sectarian in basis and has no basis of function in organised religions like the raelien. We are looking for more ambassadors, we are looking for one per country and hope you will make contact with us should you wish to become your countries ambassador.

We have been acknowledged by several other species, from fly overs and abductions, and often the webmaster house is buzzed with scanners and assorts of other contraptions.

To contact ETE email consulate at extraterrestrialembassy dot com. IT is product of the XOOPS network, as not all page impressions on the internet are homosapient sapient and the counter and balance of the physics of multiple worlds is part of the balancing ETE provides.

Modules Used:
  • System 2.1
  • Liaise 1.25
  • xSOAP 4.4
  • X-cURL 1.50
  • X-JSON 1.50
  • Sightings 1.95
  • xPNEWS 1.27
  • Spiders 2.66
  • xPayment 1.29
  • Profile 1.6
  • xForum 1.57
  • Tag 2.3
  • News 1.4
  • xReaggregator 2.52
  • Protector 3.4
  • Xortify 2.3

X-Forum 5.75

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X-Forum 5.75
Multifielded Forum with Extras, Multisite & Multilingual
Sponsored by PA Fly Fish

X-Forum is a completely extensible forum module for XOOPS, this is the complete stable release of the first version of 5 series, it includes multiple fields specifiable per post on individualized forums much like profile module.

Designed for XOOPS 2.4 and later version, it was written in response to problems with earlier forum titles, that had in some cases installation issues. With a broad range of options. X-Forum is a great solution to your forum requirements, complete with RSS Features and image management. It will utilise a wide range of options and allow your community to discuss issues, raise topic and solution. Complete with .htaccess example and SEO with a medium URL.

It has the ability to aggregate categories and forums to languages as well as domains with multisite 1.40 or X-Language. This means you can have forms and forum which only display on particular domains or under certain languages.

With X-Forum you can have all the convenience of the modular newbb path without the result. Based on CBB with a sound environment that even your grandma can use, I know mine does this is solid stuff coming directly to you under GNU Licenses.

Complete with Easy Path SEO Guide and help in the preference, you can even with some simple SQL Injections transfer your old CBB 2.x or 3.x over to X-Forum with ease. NOTICE!!! The .htaccess has changed since version 4.70!! - this is included in the /docs path of the archive.

We would like to thank PA Fly Fish for developing a bug list and paying for the module to be bug free for the entire community, it take commitment from my end users to make sure these titles are completely bug free. PA Fly Fish have ensured the forum under SEO is completely bug free finally. The .htaccess has changed since 5.72 there should be no more changes after this one.

Refactory Done:
  • No More Art Object - XOOPS 3.0 Compatible *
  • TCPDF - Used for PDF Generation
  • Multisite Support
  • X-Language/Multilingual Mode

Bugs Fixed:
  • No View for Admin of Pending Posts
  • No View for Admin of Deleted Posts
  • PageNav postioning and Post number hightlight
  • .htaccess Bugs (Jumpbox, Main Options, Quick Reply + All Others)
  • WSDO for view forum ctrl+bug
  • WSOD for Block Last topic
  • Extra Fields Missing From Compact Display
  • Old Social Network Adds Removed
  • PDF Output now available

Download Now: (6.1 MB)
Demo Now:
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Spiders 2.66 - Final Release

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Spiders 2.66
With Anti-Spider Trawling Xortify Banning

Spiders is a robot manager tool, that imports a list of all crawler and scanner robots on the web. It allows you to use XOOPS Permissiveness to control the data that robots list online your site. It will also log the robot in using a post loader and display when the robot is online on you 'Whos Online'.

Do you want your robots like GoogleBot, Yahoo Slurp! and others to log in and identify on your xoops installation? Then spiders is for you!!! The robot text file used is taken from an online resource of Robot data and stores it in your database. Remember to adjust your mainfile.php to include the post loader after the common file is loaded. Robot Manager (Spiders) is a good way to control what your site displays in search engines.

New Features
  • Polls API in SOAP
  • Polls API in cURL
  • Polls API in JSON
  • Modification & Live Area
  • Easy Xortify Signup
  • Improved Preloads
  • SEO Advantage Sharer
  • Upgrade Path Maintained
  • SEO URL Rewrites
  • User Interface

Bugs Fixed
  • wGET Polling
  • CURL Polling
  • Xortify Preferences URI
  • No option of what protocol to use

Spider is only written for XOOPS 2.3 and later.

Download: (101Kb)
Mirror: Live Skydriver
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X-cURL 1.50 - Final Release of the API

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X-CuRL 1.50
Application Programmable Interface (API) for XOOPS for cURL.

What Can It Do for Me?

You can link with any json compliant system with complete w3c standard wsdl these will be completed in version 4.0 they are more just the abstract data layers of wsdl, they still need a dynamic mime type and other system written into them which the constructs are in place. You can transfer data between any sort tunnel through most of not all firewalls and poll your xoops platform from with another xoops or CMS or even things like .NET, Delphi and many other programming languages.

X-CURL is the quick way for cloud computing API's, you can link your xoops platform with any other computer network with this module, plug-in have complete WSDL compilation code and allow for easy and dynamic deployment.

Bugs Fixed?
  • Empty Variable Return to Plugin.
  • \" input comphensation.
  • StdClass to Array Conversion.

Whats New in this release?
We have tested this version and are using it ourselves for Xortify it has taken awhile to iron out all the bugs but this is a completely working version!! We don't expect any releases after this one!!
How do I call this API?
The API is farely simple to use - you have a plugin which is a function on the api which has a filename say xoops_create_user.php which has an XSD in it as well as the function itself which is named after the filename. The API takes JSON Packages of variable and provide JSON response. You will have to check the plugin functions to see them implemented as to what they do and how to use them. But you can also call multiple function in a single call in this version.

Just say you where going to call the example function it would look as a URL something like this, You can use a $_GET or a $_POST depending on the data size.
Quote:{...JSON VARIABLES...}

If you where going to call multiple functions the url call would look like this with a $_GET.
Quote:{...JSON VARIABLES...}&secondary_function={...JSON VARIABLES...}&third_function={...JSON VARIABLES...}

To Download it Click here or goto the Mirror

X-JSON 1.50 - Final Release

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X-JSON 1.50
Application Programmable Interface (API) for XOOPS for wGet.

What Can It Do for Me?

You can link with any json compliant system with complete w3c standard wsdl these will be completed in version 4.0 they are more just the abstract data layers of wsdl, they still need a dynamic mime type and other system written into them which the constructs are in place. You can transfer data between any sort tunnel through most of not all firewalls and poll your xoops platform from with another xoops or CMS or even things like .NET, Delphi and many other programming languages.

X-JSON is the quick way for cloud computing API's, you can link your xoops platform with any other computer network with this module, plug-in have complete WSDL compilation code and allow for easy and dynamic deployment.

Bugs Fixed?
  • Empty Variable Return to Plugin.
  • \" input comphensation.
  • StdClass to Array Conversion.

Whats New in this release?
We have tested this version and are using it ourselves for Xortify it has taken awhile to iron out all the bugs but this is a completely working version!! We don't expect any releases after this one!!
How do I call this API?
The API is farely simple to use - you have a plugin which is a function on the api which has a filename say xoops_create_user.php which has an XSD in it as well as the function itself which is named after the filename. The API takes JSON Packages of variable and provide JSON response. You will have to check the plugin functions to see them implemented as to what they do and how to use them. But you can also call multiple function in a single call in this version.

Just say you where going to call the example function it would look as a URL something like this, You can use a $_GET or a $_POST depending on the data size.
Quote:{...JSON VARIABLES...}

If you where going to call multiple functions the url call would look like this with a $_GET.
Quote:{...JSON VARIABLES...}&secondary_function={...JSON VARIABLES...}&third_function={...JSON VARIABLES...}

To Download it Click here or goto the Mirror

Xortify 2.30 - Last Release (Cloud Protection)

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Xortify 2.30 - Fortify your XOOPS.
Cloud Computing for Protector & XOOPS.

Xortify is a network security drone that uses Web 2.0 techniques to link between your XOOPS installs and other via a XML Cloud. This will prevent security intrusions to your xoops with accurate deceptive notation of the intruder and prevent any farmed attacks. It is an accessory and required Protector to be installed an running to be part of the hookup. Otherwise it will run without protector just make sure you deselect protector as a provider.

It will display a template if you are banned and is an accessory to protector or any other firewall technology. The site itself is driven from .. Cloud computing is web 2.0/3.0 stuff it used a SOAP XML exchange backend to work, this will eventually be included in xoops as a support class, that is SOAP protocol.

A cloud computing process is one which staggers multiple networks sometime and mainly unknown to the webmaster into a network or cloud of data. In this example it is IP and Netaddy names to control access lists.

This will prevent predators from exposing your network to lag and other attacks from link farming, often this means many xoops are attacked in occasions which is all the time caught by protector, this way if an attack is in process across a large spectrum of links, your site will down itself to your sourced attack even if it is discovered on a completely unaffiliated site that is link farmed to yours or on a XOOPS User list.

Xortify is a cloud solution to protectors Bad IPs, if someone attempts to hack your site and becomes a bad IP it will then send the IP to the Ban Cloud on and its paired cloud It will also poll the server to make sure it has the latest ban list so your website will be aware of malusers before they attack through farming IP from services like Google or bing.

We have finally ironed out all bugs!!! and this should run on any PHP5 and ealier system, this is designed for pre 2.4 XOOPS just fillow the installation if you have an earlier version of XOOPS, even if you don't run protector, you can run Xortify to provide protection from the banned users, which have breeched protectors policies on other peoples XOOPS Installations.

We don't expect to be doing any more work on this project as it is finished as far as we can tell!

Whats New in this feature
  • Uses Blade Service
  • Cron Job for testing Paired Cloud
  • Language for Ban Customisable

Bugs Fixed
  • JSON Polling
  • cURL Polling
  • Xortify Preferences
  • Choice of protocol
  • WSOD when Username and Password is entered!

Download: - 110Kb
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