Donations is a module for recieving donations on your website, it uses the XPayment gateway to ensure you have all the options you need to bill donations through XPayment. XPayment plugin included.
Donations will allow you to assign users to a particular group when they make a donations, it has target and period cycle as well as using a block or form entry to allow your clients to make a donation to your website. It requires XPayment 1.29 or later.
Did you know that one of the law of physics is that "Every Action has an oppersite and equal reaction!" what this means is with the internet it physically reproduces sometime in a minor way and sometimes in a major way with the world around us. This is appliable with chaos theorm.
This is caused by a complex array of humanology physics such as character recognition and domain abstractions. This is the geeks shower, if you want to target someone in the shower then just upload their image or place a comment in the forum about the individual, it will reproduce itself in the water courses around them.
The Geeks Shower started as a fun exciting exploration of the physics of the bathroom and the internet. You can sign up a username today for all the power of the geeksin the shower. Including weapons manufactures and appliable for any species that showers or baths.
We have upgraded to XOOPS 2.5.x which went flawlessly the modules running on this XOOPS Installation is as follows:
Based on the theme of the core Xoops Zetagenesis, it displays three columns, one of which right has a width of 250 pixels and the other to the left of 250.
Sinnedesign is happy to present the new FREE XOOPS Theme with the name Sd-081-NormalyBlue. The Free XOOPS - Theme is Sponsored by the dsl speedtest . - Thanks!
In Red Mexico we have created a new theme for XOOPS. This is a premium quality item developed using as a base XThemes and Common Utilities.
This new theme has so far unique features that differentiate it from other existing themes to allow better use of the capabilities of XOOPS and modules installed.
Among the most outstanding features are:
3 different color schemes Settings and Control panel Awesome Home page Integration with AddThis Integration with Analytics Using Twitter and Flickr on the home page Spotlight fully customizable.
This theme use several modules to function properly:
Common Utilities XThemes MyWords QuickPages contactme! Professional Works
You can find more details about Rounded and purchase on the microsite we created for it.
We are pleased to announce the availability of XThemes. The module has been released and is ready for download from our website.
XThemes is a manager for XOOPS themes and a set of tools that allows the creation of themes more rich in functionality and better integrated with XOOPS and modules.
Due to the inherent characteristics of XOOPS and Smarty, XThemes allows new themes for greater interactivity and makes it possible to get more professional and modern appearance.
You can visit the microsite XThemes by clicking here. Other XOOPS Modules
Also other modules have been updated from Red Mexico: