Modules: XThemes and module updates from Red México

Posted by: bitceroOn 2011/3/7 20:10:00 5474 reads
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We are pleased to announce the availability of XThemes. The module has been released and is ready for download from our website.

XThemes is a manager for XOOPS themes and a set of tools that allows the creation of themes more rich in functionality and better integrated with XOOPS and modules.

Due to the inherent characteristics of XOOPS and Smarty, XThemes allows new themes for greater interactivity and makes it possible to get more professional and modern appearance.

You can visit the microsite XThemes by clicking here.

Other XOOPS Modules

Also other modules have been updated from Red Mexico:

Common Utilities
Professional Works

And a very simple new module has been added to the family: ContactMe!

Still plans to release new modules and enhancements to existing ones.

XThemes Microsite
QuickPages Microsite
ContactMe! Microsite
Common Utilities
Professional Works