
We are pleased to announce the release of our "lite" theme. The theme is called lite because, well basically because there are NO images in the theme.


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Download: Download this theme from my site. Click. Registered users only.


Karma System for NewBB2 in Development

Over on the module dev forge for XOOPS a new project has started up. It is a sub-group off of the NewBB2 project. It's sole goal to the expand/develop the Karma system in NewBB2.

Feel free to stop by and post your ideas and thoughts on helping to flesh out this aspect of NewBB2

Click here to access Dev Forge Site
1 comment

A site redesign of has lead to a much cleaner presentation of all the information on the site. The redesign was in preparation of great new things to come. Snow– is lucky enough to be listed number one in the new beta MSN search engine for the term snow skiing. Hopefully with the use of Xoops we can build a thriving new community site for Snow-Skiing enthusiasts. Plans are in the works for a sister site in as well.

XOOPS makes it easy to manage multiple content sites without having to remember which template is the “best last one” you where using.
1 comment

MOVSTER - mobile content

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Today we launched our mobile content website.
We wouldn't be able to do it without XOOPS and many of the modules available.
We used Xosc (highly customized!!!) to present a ringtones and wallpapers catalog, Soapbox for content management, SmartFAQ, Wordbook and Buddy List -a custom development -for moblogging, as soon as the documentation is ready we'll make it available for everyone.

Thanks to everybody for doing such a great job., Tu personalidad móvil.

My taste of Mac life!

Yes feel free to have a look and make comments, do quick review.

Just wanted to get a message out for a site I've had for awhile which had no direction. So I remodelled said site over the past weekend. Still adding content plus have a css thing I'm dealing with otherwise it's alive and well. This site is almost entirely based on xhld, xmline and a few Amazon links.

Ahhh... long winded.

Ok here is my new site with modifed theme that has a blog kind of look and growing content. If you missed your chance at MacWorld, maybe I'll get lucky and someone who wants one, will buy a ipod shuffle or something.

Have fun
Best Regards

I've used a Apple or Mac product going on 25 years.

Simplified URLs Hack

This hack Simplified URLs ,which is based on ShotURLs released by reynaldo, converts Xoops URLs into shorter and static ones that can be indexed by search engines.


Quote reynaldo's words;
I've found other hacks that do the same but I didn't like the way the worked because I haven't had good results with urls within deep directorys like:
In my experience, some Search Engines (Google for example) didn't like to crawl pages so "deep" within the site.

For this reason, this hack gives you shallow URLs. For example ;

[Default] http://xoops_site/modules/news/article.php?storyid=1
[Converted] http://xoops_site/news+article.storyid+1.htm

[Default] http://xoops_site/modules/userinfo.php?uid=1
[Converted] http://xoops_site/userinfo.uid+1.html

I checked this hack in Xoops2.0.9.X and 2.0.6.
This probably runs in the other versions.
I also checked more than 30 modules so I think it is available for most of the modules. Yet errors must exist in this hack. When you find some bugs or errors, please let me know.

Finally I'm sorry for my poor English and I appreciate reynaldo who developed ShortURLs.

You can download HERE >>> Simplified URLs 1.1

How to Install
1) Modify your loadpages.php.
Set your start module's dir name at line 33.
If you don't set a start module, please set it blank like: $start_module = "";
Set the position of "loadpages.php" at line 38.

2) Upload this two files to your Xoops root dir:
- loadpages.php
- simplified_url.php

3) Modify your .htaccess file, the one you have in your Xoops root dir (if any)
and add the contents of the included .htaccess file. If you don't have one, just upload the one I provided.

4) In the Xoops root dir, there is a file named mainfile.php
Open it and add the following line just after the disclaimer (line 41 for
Xoops 2.09):
include "simplified_url.php";

It must be put under "XOOPS_URL"
ex :
41:include "simplified_url.php";

5) Save mainfile.php and upload it to your server.

Support Forum is HERE

Xoops Wap Addon 2.0

Its a addon for Xoops to view serveral modules data on a WAP site.

- Skinable
- piCal
- NewBB2
- Banner below the Emulator
- and many more


Demosite on
Accessable via Browser or Handy! (Own WAP Emulator)

Download Now!

xf_pleasure (beta)

hello all...
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i played a bit with a full width theme. You are invited to download and test it for it's a beta. No changes in modultemplates until this time.

it uses only css for positioning things and is teached to be fast. Not all events have been tested in detail, eg. overflow of blocks with different content etc.

But sure you will use this for your own exercises if you are interested in playing with themes. so have fun.



have fun!

WF-Channel 1.07 released

We are very happy to bring you the next version of WF-Channel. We highly recommend updating to this version as it fixes a security flaw of the last version.

This release has been made by Predator who took the time to join wf-projects besides his work on all of his other projects like NewBB2 and the upcoming shopping modules for Xoops.

As you might guess by the version number this release is primary a bugfix release. However feel free to post your feature requests for the next version in our forums.

The changelog and download link ...

- Adding Full Security To Wf-channel see
- Bug fixed "Disable Comments" see
- Bug fixed "Admin section - rename menu"
- Bug fixed "WF-C 1.06 text formatting bug" see
- Bug fixed "backendjs.php" see
- Bug fixed "Page Menu Link Not Displayed On Link/refer Pages" ( also Templates fixed)
- Change Page Menu Link to a function.
- Add define("_MD_NORIGHTTOVIEWPAGE","You do not have permission to view this page"); to main.php
- Change in xoops_version.php variable $modversion['dirname'] not used now (
$xoopsModule = &$modhandler->getByDirname($modversion['dirname']); )
- Now 100% ML hack ( marcan ) compatible, so it is recommanded not to use the index.php for wfchannel from the ML package
- modify link to in wfchannel admin menu : Help Section, Report a bug section to wf-project site
- Add [pagebreak] tag
- Bug fixed "Some wrong links in the language files and the upgrade.php"
- Bug fixed "Refer a friend admin parameters : seems that mail default message is not taken into account in mail.">

Download here:

XOOP-Stats v0.45 for XOOPS 2

We are proud to announce the Gerneral Release of another great XOOPS@IBDeeming! mod for XOOPS 2 - XOOP-Stats v0.45 for XOOPS 2.0.7+.

XOOP-Stats continues to evolve and become a better, more enhanced offerring for XOOPS 2 administrators.
There are a number of great new enhancements to make this an important and integral part of your XOOPS site!
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