YAXS: My taste of Mac life!

Posted by: rocket98On 2005/1/18 7:16:44 4188 reads
Yes feel free to have a look and make comments, do quick review.

Just wanted to get a message out for a site I've had for awhile which had no direction. So I remodelled said site over the past weekend. Still adding content plus have a css thing I'm dealing with otherwise it's alive and well. This site is almost entirely based on xhld, xmline and a few Amazon links.

Ahhh... long winded.

Ok here is my new site with modifed theme that has a blog kind of look and growing content. If you missed your chance at MacWorld, maybe I'll get lucky and someone who wants one, will buy a ipod shuffle or something.


Have fun
Best Regards

I've used a Apple or Mac product going on 25 years.