Bassman Themes has released version 1.0 of the new Webcam module. This is a very simple module that dispays a webcam in an i-frame. Please see the Readme file for instructions on how to link a cam. At present there is no admin section, which would be nice :) If anyone is interested in creating one, be my guest.
Demo and download available from Bassman Themes (and has been submitted to the module library here at
The Mechassault2 clan, "Golden Eagles," is pleased to announce the official opening of our site,
This site will be a gathering place for not only our clan, but other players of the popular Xbox Live title, featuring heavily-armed giant robotic fighting suits ("Mechs"), tanks, aircraft, and Battle Armor, where we can discuss strategy and tactics, plan battles, and just relax with our online friends.
I've been working on this website for a year now and its pretty much as good as I can make it. is my hobby, and I play mostly 80's rock music, and other stuff now and then. Check it out and see what you all think: