Free Xoops Theme Sd-091-Schnee

Sinnedesign is happy present the new FREE XOOPS Theme with the name Sd-091-Schnee. The Free XOOPS - Theme was made with friendly help from .

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Here can you find the XOOPS 2.4 Theme Demo - XOOPS 2.5 Theme Demo.

And here is the FREE - Download Xoops Theme Sd-091-Schnee

Here is the direct Download - Link (without registration)

Have a nice Day!
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Free Theme: Gentle

Hello everybody!

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A long time since I posted here, so I decided to release a new theme for XOOPS. Like usual, this is a nearly imageless theme using lots and lots of CSS3.

Gentle is a nice XOOPS theme where I tried to do things a little different. I wanted to make it feel a bit less XOOPS-like and use accents I rarely used before.

This introduced pink to this theme, which really makes it look different from what I’ve done before and really gives the theme a unique feel.

Best of all, I’m releasing this theme for free :)

You can watch it live on my demo installation on

You can download it for free on (don't worry the webshop part - it's completely free!)

I hope you enjoy this theme - feedback, questions or suggestions are welcome on!
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Songlist 1.10 - Karaoki/Hyme Song List

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Songlist 1.10 - Karaoki/Hyme Song List
Community release by an Anonymous Individual

Songlist allows you to place songs with associations of category, artists, genre & album into a database. It then allows for them to be searched on and voted for purposes like a karioki list. Songs based on a XML File can be imported. This is ideal for anyone wanting to compile a list of song, of course the module can be modified to make other modules and was written for an anonymous doner from community of

Complete with browse by character and search, song list allows for a paginated display of songs, albums or artists which have been either manually or through and XML File imported. Perfect for anyone wanting to maitain a karioki play list.

Some Features Include
  • Categories with Child relationship
  • Artists List with Song Association
  • Albums with Artists and Song association
  • Genre with song association
  • Singing Type (Solo/Duet)
  • Song Request email and notification
  • Search based on Song Title or Lyrics
  • Blue room

Bugs Fixed
  • Warnings & Notices
  • User Pagination
  • Database Optimization and Indicies
  • Code Bottle Necks
  • Templating Issues
  • Import Feature & Limiter
  • Singer Filter in Search
  • Categories for artists
  • Category Images

Download: - 267Kb
Sourceforge: - 267Kb
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X-Center 2.16 - Multilingual Tagged Content Pages

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X-Center 2.16
Multilingual Tagged Content Pages

X-Center is a content module for XOOPS 2.5 and later, it uses the latest techniques to hone easy to present content on a standard page. it has an Inheritable block and all the accessories for Tag and other features. It also supports X-Language and multilingual pages with the same ID.

With this powerful module you can easily make content with any xoops site with version 2.4 or later. This is the only and must have for content with XOOPS.

Watch this video on XCenter 2.16

There is no need to upgrade from 2.07 to this version unless you are having language storage issues.

Fixes Include:
  • RSS Feeds
  • Blocks
  • XOOPS 3.0 Compatibility
  • UNICODE Storage (Undone)
  • Templating Issues
  • RSS Bug in category adding.
  • Upgrade not firing producing garbage output.

Some of the features include:
  • Multilingual support of X-Language
  • Support Tag 2.3+
  • Inheritable block
  • SEO Clean URL
  • PDF Support
  • RSS Feeds
  • Optional Secure JSON Forms
  • Optional Sitemap Module Plugin
  • Optional Tag Module Plugin

Download: (13,192kb)
Sourceforge: - 13,192Kb
Comments & Bugs:
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MyAlbum-p 3.06 - SEO Gallery for XOOPS

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myAlbum-p 3.06 - [i]SEO Gallery for XOOPS
Community Release by Chronolabs Co-op

MyAlbum-p is a module for displaying images in a categories gallery. Base on permissions, users can submit content to myalbum-p as well as vote on them as well, complete with .htaccess SEO and tag module MyAlbum-p offers the best in gallery modules for XOOPS 2.5 & later.

Watch this introductory video on MyAlbum-p 3.01b:

Many bugs have been fixed in 3.04, please report any further bugs in this forum. The .htaccess has changed so please replace this in your main .htaccess in the XOOPS Root Path so you can have SEO Clean URLS.

XOOPS with myalbum-p Offers a range of choice and solutions the following module includes these features:

  • XOOPS 2.5 Gui
  • Photo Management
  • Categories
  • Permissions
  • Voting
  • Tagging
  • Editor of Choice
  • GD/GD2
  • NetPBM
  • ImageMagick

Bugs Fixed:
  • Warnings & Notices
  • No Delete
  • viewcat.php - object doesn't exist
  • Missing Admin Permissions File
  • Category Titles not Populating
  • Images not uploading
  • SEO Paths Sometimes Empty
  • WSDO on htaccess
  • Tagging on Editing
  • [
  • Ranking voting of image
  • li]Topten populating by hits or rank[/li]
  • Thumbnail Creation

  • XOOPS 2.5
  • XOOPS 2.6

Download: (571Kb)
Sourceforge: (571Kb)
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TwitterBomb 1.30 - @Twitter API Application for #XOOPS 2.5

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TwitterBomb 1.30 - Twitter API Application for XOOPS 2.5
Community Release by Chronolabs Co-op

Twitter Bomb allows you to place segments of a tweet into a database, and aggregate via services like tweets based on a sentence formed from a matrix of basis of sentences. You will be able to run a campaign on twitter and have your sentences randomly made from the segments of sentences known in this applicaion as the 'base' of the phrase.

Since this version there is also now five type of campaigns you can run, either a phrase bombing, or a scheduled tweet, search and retweet, search, mention and reply or mention and reply. You can import a list from a text file or log file, where each line is periodically tweeted on twitter as per your schedule. Including tabled filters for easy use and maintence as well as harvesting plugins that allow you to develop with TwitterBomb to retireve information from other sources like API, databases, text files, SOAP ports or many other places like modules on your website.

TwitterBomb 1.30 is the new Production Release, we don't expect to be doing anymore releases of this application which is XOOPS 2.5 compatible as it is full of features and has all the nessecary details for expansion with plugins but after this we will be migrating to the module class wrapper making it only 2.5 compatible.

There is a mirade of options with this application. You can specify URLS to pass someone too included in the URL can be the phrase in a URL Encoded string so you can direct people to search engines and topics to do with the sentence.

Check out TwitterBomb in action YouTube with this How To Instruction Video:

New Features Include
  • Search retweet, mention & reply Campaign
  • Search For Mention and Reply Campaign

Some Features Include
  • cURL timeout Set
  • Search Results Pages Specifiable
  • Negative & Postive Exception Match Percentiles
  • XOOPS 2.5.x Admin GUI
  • Better Blocks for Retweet, Scheduler and Phrase Bomb
  • Better Cron Timing
  • Better Cron Reporting
  • Indexed Database Tables for efficeny
  • New Block (Retweets)
  • New Campaign (Retweets)
  • New Retweets Admin
  • URL Shortening
  • Mounts as Twitter Application
  • oAuth Classes
  • Following Cron Job
  • Gathering Cron Job
  • Tweeting Cron Job
  • Following Log
  • Trending Keyphrase
  • Filters
  • Tag Module
  • Asiigning twitter usernames to a nick
  • Tweet Scheduler
  • tweet Importing
  • Usage Log
  • Filter Plugins for Tweet Scheduler
  • Logging Plugins
  • Keyphrase Harvesting Plugins
  • .htaccess SEO
  • Exclusive and Inclusive Categories
  • Ban Protection
  • Activity Hit Count & Latest Time
  • URLs for Tweets
  • Part Base of Sentences
  • Campaigns
  • Categories
  • Sentence Makeup Matrix
  • Twitter Usernames

Bugs Fixed
  • Upgrade missing new campaign enumerators
  • Admin Language
  • Duplicate Language constants
  • Missing menu items from admin
  • Installation Bugs with SQL
  • Notices and Warnings
  • Search Twitter Optimized
  • Tweet Cron Optimized
  • Better Search Routines
  • Exceptions on Search and Retweet
  • Cron Endless Loop on Failed Retweet or Tweet
  • Indexes on database
  • Heavy CPU Usage of MySQL
  • Endless Loop in Search Routines (Fixed Retweet and Backend of Cron)
  • Tweet Cron Fixed - Timing Support
  • Config Specification
  • oAuth Actions
  • Cron Jobs
  • User Details MD5 Miscalculated
  • Broad Criteria Selection for Campaign and Category
  • User Additions of Twitter Usernames
  • WSDO on Keyphrase Matrix
  • WSDO on Keyword (Sentence) Matrix
  • .htaccess SEO is inclusive of go.html
  • Category Save on Campaign Trail in Admin List
  • Two Fields missing from SQL File
  • Feed Cache
  • SEO URL for RSS using wrong ending
  • Only one campaign feed showing
  • Missing Twitter Username after @ in feed
  • Language Constants

Download: - 303Kb
Sourceforge: - 303Kb
Comments & bugs thread:
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Win prizes by converting XOOPS for Windows Azure

We are very happy to see that XOOPS has been selected as one of only seven designated PHP Frameworks for a programming contest in Poland using Windows Azure.

In the "Basic" category of the competition to goal is to run on Windows Azure a ready PHP code.

The participant chooses one of the prepared PHP frameworks and modifies it to run on Windows Azure. Number of changes as compared to the original version has an impact on scores. List of available frameworks:

phpBB by Przemo
Sugar CRM CE

Participants should prepare and make ready to run one of the above PHP framework (like XOOPS) on Azure platform. Any solution must:

- work properly running on two or more instances
- work properly even when making HTTP requests sent by the client with a gap of more than 1 minute (and properly handle among others the session)

In this programming competition you can win:

XBOX360 console + Kinect + set of games or XBOX360 console + Kinect + 1 game

More info:


Please consider participating in the competition:
- you might win a nice cash prize
- you'll make XOOPS run on Windows Azure

You need to register by April 6th

There is also advanced part where you can win 10.000PLN (~3,000 US$) or 5.000 PLN (~1,500 US$).
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New Website built with XOOPS: Design Freelance

I am pleased to introduce a new site based entirely with xoops 2.5.4

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The modules used are:

- Liaise
- Fmcontent

link here
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Two new free themes for Xoops

Two new free themes for Xoops

Xoops demo is pleased to offer two new themes adapt for Xoops.

XDBusiness_blue is based on the default theme and template Business . It consists of a column only to the left. Compatible with Xoops 2.4.x and more

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Download: here
See: here

XDScheme is based on the default theme and template free Blue . It consists of two columns. Compatible with Xoops 2.4.x and more

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Download: here
See: here
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WURFL 2.10 - Mobile/Pad Detection & Theme Switcher

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WURFL 2.10 - Mobile/Pad Detection & Theme Switcher

WURFL is a module that will allow theme designers to implement themes customised for Mobile Computing. WURFL is a XML Database that this module will import and allow for propogation of it resources on User Agent based browsing of mobile phones. With WURFL 2.10 and later, there is now support for ScientiaMobile Cloud with there WURFL Supported Device identification cloud.

WURFL is a world leader in Mobile communication data and this module utilizes WURFL from sourceforge (see. This module is now complete with Theme Switching depending on the capabilities of the mobile computing device whether it be phone or pad.

This module will propogate data on the <{$wurfl}> smarty tag as well as other tags which names are specifiable in the preferences now. These assocative arrays are on depths, you can set which providers you require for data to conversely populate on the source.

Watch this video to understand more about WURFL 2 Series!

Taken from

Welcome to the WURFL
the Wireless Universal Resource FiLe
by Luca Passani, ScientiaMobile

So... What is WURFL?
WURFL is a Device Description Repository (DDR), i.e. a software component which contains the descriptions of thousands of mobile devices. In its simplest incarnation, WURFL is an XML configuration file plus a set of programming APIs to access the data in real-time environments. The main scope of the WURFL Project is to be an independent central repository of device information, which Open-Source developers from around the globe can utilize to build their mobile web applications.

All the information listed in WURFL has been collected by ScientiaMobile and the community of WURFL users from many different countries. WURFL can be used in any application, free or commercial. In the spirit of the originators of the project, open-source developers who adopt WURFL should share device information with the rest of the community. This will help WURFL to grow better and better every day.

WURFL is deployed by companies such as Facebook and Google. Carriers around the globe deploy it in mission-critical environment with fantatistic performance and reliability. In terms of adoption, WURFL is today more popular than UAProf solutions and solutions from commercial DDR vendors.

This will allow theme designers and module writters to search for data regarding mobile computing and allow for knowledge in the theme of RSS, CSS, Display Size, Image Types, Sound Fontage, and other data such as SMS and MMS.. As well as information about CHTML or XHTML sources.

Please enjoy this module as I have enjoyed writting it.

Download: - 1193Kb
Sourceforge Mirror: - 1193Kb
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