Songlist 1.13 - Karaoke/Hymn Song list Module

Songlist 1.13 - Karaoke/Hymn Song list module
Community Release by


Download: - 282Kb

Songlist allows you to place songs with associations of category, artists, genre & album into a database. It then allows for them to be searched on and voted for purposes like a karioki list. Songs based on a XML File can be imported. This is ideal for anyone wanting to compile a list of song, of course the module can be modified to make other modules and was written for an anonymous doner from

Complete with browse by character and search, song list allows for a paginated display of songs, albums or artists which have been either manually or through and XML File imported. Perfect for anyone wanting to maitain a karioki play list.
Some Features Include

Adjustable Memory and Time limites for large data masses
Categories with Child relationship
Artists List with Song Association
Albums with Artists and Song association
Genre with song association
Singing Type (Solo/Duet)
Song Request email and notification
Search based on Song Title or Lyrics
Blue room

Download the lastest version from Chronolabs on Google code or off sourceforge. Unzip the archive you should have a folder called 'htdocs' in the unzipped location. Copy the contents of 'htdocs' folder to your CMS root path this is generally a folder called 'public_html' or 'www' on your FTP service of your website. Log into your CMS and goto the modules/applications installation section, this is generally in your system control area under modules. Click on the icon that represent installing the module. If all has behaved as need be then your module is installed. If your module requires a user licences, keys or a username then sign-up to the apprpriate sites and retreieve your keys or IDs (Links should be provided in the preferences) and paste the values into preferences. Now your right to go!

Download the lastest version from Chronolabs on Google code or off sourceforge. Unzip the archive you should have a folder called 'htdocs' in the unzipped location. Copy the contents of 'htdocs' folder to your CMS root path this is generally a folder called 'public_html' or 'www' on your FTP service of your website. Log into your CMS and goto the modules/applications installation section, this is generally in your system control area under modules. Click on the icon that represent upgrading the module. Your version number should no longer be in bold and would have changed!
Reporting a Bug

The google code section has an area for reporting bugs called issues. Any issue or bug you believe you are having that is not a result of your site services then please report it here. The URL for reporting bugs is as follows:

Please report the following:

a) Version of CMS
b) Version of PHP
c) Version of MySQL
d) Services Software ie. Apache, Zeus etc.
e) Version of Software
f) Error Messages
g) Steps to reproduce
e) Contact details for the team to get in touch should they need!

Bugs Fixed
  • SEO Fixed
  • Warnings & Notices
  • User Pagination
  • Database Optimization and Indicies
  • Code Bottle Necks
  • Templating Issues
  • Import Feature & Limiter
  • Singer Filter in Search
  • Categories for artists
  • Category Images
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WOX (World of XOOPS) Newsletter # 48 (July 2012)

WOX - World Of Xoops

Welcome to the July 2012 issue of WOX (World of XOOPS) Newsletter  (see here previous versions). 

The biggest event of the past month was publishing of the Roadmap for XOOPS 2.6 by ForMuss and Mage. You can discuss it in the thread, and let us know what you like and what you don't like. You can follow the development on XOOPS SVN, or you can subscribe to our SVN mailing list to receive updates.

This month was very busy for our Module Developers, with couple of new modules, and several conversions to XOOPS 2.5.5 Admin GUI. This way we are getting closer to having the most important/popular modules sharing the same user-friendly GUI.

And from the less pleasant news, our Server Host didn't renew our agreement about free hosting of the XOOPS site, i.e. starting in July we have to pay $100 for our dedicated server. This means that we need to get more donations!

How are we doing with donations?

In May we've received a single donation of $25, and in June $5. Clearly, this will not cover our cost. Therefore, we would like to call on the community to donate money to XOOPS Foundation, so we can cover the $100/month cost of our Dedicated server.

Please donate TODAY!

Recent Highlights:

  • Roadmap for XOOPS 2.6

  • XOOPS Innovation Award - for people who create something very unique and innovative for XOOPS. This time the award goes to  Simon Roberts (Wishcraft) from Australia for the creation of IP Log Module, to log IPs of site visitors, and many other modules.  

    ==> You can see our previous winners here
  • XOOPSer of the Month Awardiis given to XOOPS members who show extraordinary dedication to XOOPS, and go the extra mile for XOOPS. This month, it goes to Ali Nili (Irmtfan) from Iran, for his support on the XOOPS Forums.

    ==> You can see our previous winners here

    Congratulations to all of our Winners. Starting this year, all Winners will receive a free book of their choice from O'Reilly. Also a free copy of PHP Storm from JetBrain


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Forms Module - eforms

Dear users of Xoops.

I want to share eforms, a module to create contact forms, registration, surveys, etc.. I've developed as a fork of xforms.

Some of the functions including:

- Ability to record data in DB.
- Sending email (copied configurable) and private message
- Management of attached files and images (including downloaded)
- Multiple configurations form (descriptions, shipping methods, etc.).
- Generation of reports for saved forms
- Set start and end dates of validity
- Etc. ..

You can download it from here: eforms

Questions, queries and contributions to: Educación Informática
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IP Log 1.01

IP Log 1.01 - Capture and Store you Users IP Addresses
Community Release by Chronolabs Co-op

IP Log 1.01 is a module for XOOPS 2.5 which allows your XOOPS install to capture and store the IP address and locational information for Users that have logged in for a period of time until they are dropped.

It uses IPInfoDB to get the location of the IP Address as well as storing how many seconds they spent online. It is an admin module only it has no Main User Interface

  • XOOPS 2.5 Gui
  • Dashboard
  • About Us
  • Preloader
  • Timer
  • Easy to use

Download: - 60Kb
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XR-multicolor free theme for x ♥ ♥ p s

♥ ♥ hi Xoopsers ♥ ♥

multicolor it is a HTML/CSS template

I have converted it to the XOOPS Theme

Resized Image


Design: templatemo

Number of columns: 2 column

Version: 1.0

demo: Not available

download : MediaFire


XR-vibrant free theme for xoops

hi Xoopsers

XR-vibrant it is a HTML/CSS template

I have converted it to the XOOPS Theme

Resized Image


Design: templatemo

Number of columns: 2 column

Version: 1.0

demo: Not available

download : mediafire

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NewBB 4.3: New Harry Potter icons for Witches & Wizards

One of the designers of my website create a new imageset for newbb 4.3
It uses the harry potter font for english language and also a user-defined font for persian ones.

Resized ImageResized ImageResized ImageResized ImageResized ImageResized ImageResized Image
Resized ImageResized ImageResized ImageResized Image

Please download here:
newbb 4.3 imageset for wizards
To implement you dont need to touch newbb module.
Just copy them to your default theme to make it apply in your all themes OR copy to your specific desired theme.

for more information please read here:
customization of newbb imageset
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[Free] xMoto Theme for XOOPS!

I bring one more theme for XOOPS, the xMoto theme. Tested in most modern browsers, slider, menu dropdown and social networks.

Resized Image

More Screens:



I hope you enjoy.
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Free Sd-092-DSL-Blue Theme

Sinnedesign is happy to present the new FREE XOOPS Theme with the name Sd-092-DSL-Blue. The Free XOOPS - Theme was made with friendly help from .

Resized Image

Here can you find the XOOPS 2.4 Theme Demo - XOOPS 2.5 Theme Demo.

And here is the FREE - Download Xoops Theme Sd-092-DSL-Blue

Here is the direct Download - Link (without registration)

Have Fun!
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[Free and Commercial] Two new themes for XOOPS!

Hello! I bring two new themes for XOOPS, xWhite (commercial theme) and xEasy (free theme).

• xEasy:

- See Online:

- Download:

- Screen:
Resized Image

- More Screens:

• xWhite

- See Online:

- Screen:
Resized Image

- More Screens:

- Purchase:
Contact me or send me a PM.

Hope you enjoy.
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