Premium theme for

Recently I've finished a new theme design and development for This theme required the creation of custom components to make it work with the existing content on the site. The aim was to create a theme based on customer specifications using xThemes and Common Utilities to provide a method of easy management and customization of the graphical features, while integrated with the modules in use on the site. At the end, the target was reached and the customer satisfied. In words of François:
We needed some professional work to refresh our community website, and make it serious but… fun. I think we've reached our goal

— François.
Webmaster of

The theme has the following features among others:
  • Based on xThemes and Common Utilities
  • Two different home page styles to choose.
  • Fully responsive
  • Support customization for colors and image backgrounds
  • Multilevel menus instegrated with xThemes menus
  • Support for rmcommon blocks
  • Special blocks
  • ... and even more.
Theme designed by Red México for Theme designed by Red México for And of course, this theme is a creation from Red Mexico.
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Classifieds 2.53 Final Released 05/05/13

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I have released Classifieds 2.53 Final today.

This is for Xoops 2.5.5 or 2.5.6

Please read the README file.

I updated the jquery for colorbox and bezoom.
I also removed jquery from the module, you must use jquery from the Xoops core.
If colorbox and bezoom are not working the fix is listed in the README file.

You can get the module HERE.

Any problems report HERE.



XOOPS 2.5.6 Final Released

The XOOPS Development Team is pleased to announce the release of XOOPS 2.5.6 Final. This release is focused on making XOOPS 2.5.6 compatible with PHP 5.4.x, on security enhancements, and on updating external libraries to their latest versions: - Smarty 2.6.27 - TinyMCE 3.5.8 - jQuery 1.8.3 - jQueryUI 1.10 Since this version includes security fixes, it is highly recommended to update to this version ASAP! See the Changelog for more details. IMPORTANT NOTE: ----------------------------------- Due to changes related to security, it might happen that in one or two modules saving of the Permissions in Admin might not work. We are finalizing the Basic Module Pack, where all modules have been tested on XOOPS 2.5.6. Please check the News on XOOPS Website for a special announcement about the updated modules, or ask on the XOOPS Forums. Or you can read more detailed information about how to fix it yourself in /docs folder in the file: "fixing_permissions.txt" Please post and discuss all issues related to this release in this Forum We also need help with Translations using Transifex System requirements ----------------------------------- PHP: Any PHP version >= 5.3.7 (PHP 5.4+ is strongly recommended) MySQL: MySQL server 5.0+ Web server: Any server supporting the required PHP version (Apache highly recommended) Downloading XOOPS ----------------------------------- You can get this release package from the Sourceforge repository. There are .zip and .gz archives provided.
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Userlog 1.01 Final released

We are happy to announce the first final version of userlog module Userlog 1.01 Final in less that 2 months of its first Alpha release.


Userlog is a node logger which can log your user/visitor activities in your site from a preferred node.
This is a very useful tool for webmasters in busy sites. For example, you can log your other Admins navigation.

- Log user activities and navigations.
1- The possibility to list all the IPs used from a certain user, and conversely to list all the users logged from a defined IP to find duplicate users.
2- Find deleted items from your database.
3- Find admin user activities(webmasters, moderators, ...)
4- Find users who come to your site from Google.

- Can log users by getting User ID, User group or visitor IP.
- Logs can be stored in file, database or both.
- Any below user information and/or page data can be selected to be logged.

User ID,Username,Is Admin?(y/n),Groups,User Last Visit,User IP,User agent,URL (Request URI),Script name,Referer URI,Page title,Is Page admin?(y/n),Module dirname,Module name,Item name,Item ID,Request method (GET, POST, ...),$_GET,$_POST,$_REQUEST,$_FILES,$_ENV,$_SESSION,$_COOKIE,Headers list,Logger

- Any active module in your installation can be selected and userlog will log users activities only in those modules.
- You can navigate/delete/purge/export to CSV user logs in admin/logs.
- You can render logs from database or file source engine in admin/logs.php.
- To search for logs based on a criteria you have an advance form in admin/logs.php
- You can see/delete/rename/copy/merge/compress(zip)/export to CSV log files in admin/file.php.
- You can see total module views, total user views, total group views in admin/stats.php
- you have an advance form to see any item views using some criteria like what is the module/link/log time/viewer uid/viewer group id of the item in admin/stats.php
- by activating the views block you can set a most viewed items in a module or in the whole website in a specific period of time. e.g.: today most viewed (hot) news
- You can set the module as Active or Idle in preferences.
- If you need to store logs in a file, you can set the working path, working file size, working file name, ... in preferences.
- If you need to store logs in database, you can set the maximum logs thresholds (maximum number of logs and maximum time that logs are stored in the database) in preferences.
- Can be used as a backup/restore tool.
- Used JSON format to store arrays to database for better performance (instead of xoops core serialize).

Minimum Requirements:
XOOPS 2.5.5
PHP 5.3
MySQL 5.0

To Install
1- upload the userlog to /modules/userlog (upload the compressed file and decompressed via Cpanel is the best way to insure all files are correctly uploaded)
2- go to your admin -> system -> modules -> install
3- change the default settings to your desired in the module preferences.

Important notice: There is a new "ADDITIONAL permission in file for webmasters" addon introduced in userlog module.
if you want other webmasters dont have access to userlog module this addon is for you.
for more information go to userlog/admin/addon/perm.php
If you dont need this addon you just need to remove addon/perm.php

report bugs and request features.

1.01 release (Final version):

Final version 1.01: XOOPS File Repository
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Smallworld 1.15 RC 12

This release is concentrating on bug fixes and adjusting javascript on the newer jquery 1.90+ versions wich has changed a lot of functions as well as removing others.

The module does have new functions though.

Smallworld is a module to simulate a social network system. Add friends and follow them to keep track of updates .

New in this version.

For admin.
- Make module accessable for visitors.
- Choose wich users can post in home page.

For users
- Private user settings (let visitors read your comments / post in homepage - if not all they will see is a message to register).

Allround new.
- Added a permalink icon to all posts to open in new window if there is a lot of comments attached.
- Sanitizing content for xoops (making xoopsCode, smileys etc available)
- Updated most javascript including new version of image uploader for gallery, jQuery, Bookmarks etc.

A few new language defines also. I have merged english text in language files but here they are

/docs/lang_diff.php (or find them in files)

See demo here. (only admin is avail in startpage for testing)

Download here

Feedback / suggestion / bugs here
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XOOPS selected to power TQM department in the Saudi Ministry of Education

We are looking for a powerful, secure, easy CMS and fully arabized “ that was the request of the TQM (Total Quality Management) department in the Saudi Ministry of Education – Jeddah branch, two months ago.

Many competing CMS solutions has been proposed by many known companies and developers, but never satisfied the team’s need. I suggest them to use XOOPS, and I provided them with some samples of many websites powered by XOOPS with a test link to check the administration area.

We like the simplicity of XOOPS, and we feel that it’s the best solution for our website, it provides the best combination of feature, security and simplicity, Go ahead dear Mariane and adopt XOOPS for our new project”.

That was their reply! And surely it was expected! XOOPS is the best.

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The website is running on XOOPS 2.5.5 Arabic version using the following modules:
- Publisher (cloned many times for multiple usages)
- My album
- Poll
- Contact 1.8
- Xforms
- Ourpartners
- TDMDonloads
- Simple counter

The theme is based on default theme, and all pictures are bought from

I am very proud that XOOPS has been selected this time by the Saudi government!

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gwreports v1.1 RC available

A release candidate of version 1.1 of gwreports, geekwright Reports, a MySQL reporting tools for XOOPS, is available for testing. You can download it here:

This is a RELEASE CANDIDATE for testing, not general production use.

In addition to bug fixes, version 1.1 adds the following features:

A new auto-complete parameter type that allows you to specify a simple query that returns possible values for a parameter. When the report user enters a partial value for the parameter, the system will respond with a selection list of possible matches using jQuery UI autocomplete. (prototyped by KS Tan)

Report sections can now include a data tools option which adds the jQuery UI dataTables plugin to the report display. This enables column sorting, value filtering and pagination. (prototyped by KS Tan)

French language support. (supplied by Philippe Masson)

And last but not least, XOOPS 2.5+ Blue Move and ModuleAdmin compatibility.

A demo report featuring the new auto-complete and data tools features can be found here:

As always, any and all feedback is greatly appreciated.
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New installers for XOOPS on BitNami

We are very happy that BitNami has just released BitNami Stack for XOOPS

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It is an easy one-click installer for Windows, OS X and Linux. They are self-contained and independent so you can install it without modify your system.

You can also download a Virtual Appliance ready-to-run or you can deploy it for free in the Amazon or Azure Cloud.

They ship XOOPS v2.5.5 and dependencies: Apache 2.4.4, PHP 5.4.13 and MySQL 5.5.29.

The main benefit for XOOPS of being in BitNami distribution will be an increased number of choices for users to install XOOPS, and making it easier for them to install XOOPS with one click on various platforms.

It is great that after being included just last month in SourceForge's Directory for "Enterprise-Ready Open Source Projects", now we are also included in BitNami distribution.

We very much appreciate the hard work by the BitNami team and their support.

Please provide feedback in this thread.
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Userlog 1.01 RC1 released (Stable candidate version)

After introducing userlog 1.0 ALPHA as a new logger for xoops and doing many tests, adding features, bug fixing, enhancing performance with the help of many xoops members, ... It is the time to present the new version of userlog ( userlog version 1.01 RC1) to Xoops Community which is fully tested in real environments.

Special thanks:
mamba (for his vast help in all aspects), zyspec (who show me good code), tatane, Cesag (translation and guidance)


Userlog is a node logger which can log your user/visitor activities in your site from a preferred node.
This is a very useful tool for webmasters in busy sites. For example, you can log your other Admins navigation.

read more here:

- Log user activities and navigations.
- Can log users by getting user ID, user group or visitor IP.
- Logs can be stored in file, database or both.
- Any below user information and/or page data can be selected to be logged.

User ID,Username,Is Admin?(y/n),Groups,User Last Visit,User IP,User agent,URL (Request URI),Script name,Referer URI,Page title,Is Page admin?(y/n),Module dirname,Module name,Item name,Item ID,Request method (GET, POST, ...),$_GET,$_POST,$_REQUEST,$_FILES,$_ENV,$_SESSION,$_COOKIE,Headers list,Logger

- Any active module in your installation can be selected and userlog will log users activities only in those modules.
- You can navigate/delete/purge/export to CSV user logs in admin/logs.
- You can render logs from database or file source engine in admin/logs.php.
- To search for logs based on a criteria you have an advance form in admin/logs.php
- You can see/delete/rename/copy/merge/compress(zip)/export to CSV log files in admin/file.php.
- You can see total module views, total user views, total group views in admin/stats.php
- you have an advance form to see any item views using some criteria like what is the module/link/log time/viewer uid/viewer group id of the item in admin/stats.php
- by activating the views block you can set a most viewed items in a module or in the whole website in a specific period of time. e.g.: today most viewed (hot) news
- You can set the module as Active or Idle in preferences.
- If you need to store logs in a file, you can set the working path, working file size, working file name, ... in preferences.
- If you need to store logs in database, you can set the maximum logs thresholds (maximum number of logs and maximum time that logs are stored in the database) in preferences.
- Can be used as a backup/restore tool.
- Used JSON format to store arrays to database for better performance (instead of xoops core serialize).

XOOPS 2.5.5 PHP 5.3 MySQL 5.0

1- upload the userlog to /modules/userlog (upload the compressed file and decompressed via Cpanel is the best way to insure all files are correctly uploaded)
2- go to your admin -> system -> modules -> install
3- change the default settings to your desired in the module preferences.

Important notice: There is a new "ADDITIONAL permission in file for webmasters" addon introduced in userlog module.
if you want other webmasters dont have access to userlog module this addon is for you.
for more information go to userlog/admin/addon/perm.php
If you dont need this addon you just need to remove addon/perm.php

Install Warning:
This is a stable candidate version which means this version is fully tested in real environments. but anyway please install it in production websites with your own risk.
this module is not for newbies. you can easily down/damage your website by setting bad configurations.

report bugs and request features.

1.01 release (freeze version):
trunk (most recent revision):

will be added to sourceforge.
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Online Games Promotion Site

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