Modules: Tiny Content: a visual user's guide

Posted by: hsalazarOn 2003/6/22 22:38:39 5845 reads
Hi, Xoops community:

Trying to do my part to keep this project ahead, I've written and produced a small guide for Tiny Content users. It's kind of a test to see if it solves some problems. If this turns out to be true, I'll certainly try to produce more guides. In fact, this is a concept test for the bigger theme creating guide I'm working on.

The guide is available at my beta site:

I've included a zipped version of the PDF, to save download time for those with slow connections.

In a couple of days I'll release the spanish version, and I'm considering the option of doing an online version.

For the moment, please take a look at the guide. Any feedback will be more than welcome.

Happy Xoopsing!