Hacks: Headlines Module for DBCS Language Xoops Sites Hack Released

Posted by: wjueOn 2003/6/22 2:40:03 5265 reads
The original Xoops Headlines Module requires PHP's mb_string extension for encoding and decoding DBCS characters to and from utf8, but unfortunately PHP 4.xx version of mb_string extension does not support such conversion other than japanese encoding ! So no RSS news feeds are possible in Chinese Xoops sites.

This hack will make Headlines Module for big5 and gb2312 encoding Xoops sites working again!

If other DBCS language users are interested by this hack, please make your request on my website http://www.guanxiCRM.com, I will try to integrate your language in next releases.

and also: please make comments and suggestions on http://www.guanxicrm.com only.
