Modules: BLogger module for rc3 available

Posted by: CoolPopsOn 2003/4/14 9:15:07 6496 reads
I have created a BLogger module for Xoops2_RC3. It is written directly for Xoops and is not another module simply wrapped. Therefore, it takes advantage of every part of Xoops2_RC3 that I know how to. You can download it from:

The module is still considered beta and I am certian that you will find a minor bug here or there, but I do believe for the most part it is stable. Forty people have downloaded pre-beta copies so far and no one has reported major problems and all the minor ones were corrected quickly.

Current features:

* Each user can have their own BLog
* Interfaces with the search system
* Interfaces with the comment system
* Interfaces with the notification system
* Allows you to use the Xoops editing module
* Uses the pagenav controls for navigating BLogs
* Provides a global index ordered by create date reversed
* Can access an individual person's BLog
* Private/Public entries
* Interfacing with the block system
* Preview before posting
* Interfacing with the admin system

* French language option

Features in the near future:

* Interface with the user profile module

Features in the distant future:
* XML-RPC for use with gui blogging programs
* Syndication?
* Multiple Languages (any translators out there?)

I hope that this module is of use to someone.
