Modules: About Us 1.04 Beta 1 released for testing

Posted by: MambaOn 2016/1/6 18:00:00 4856 reads
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The "About" module is for adding "About Us" section to your Website. It allows adding a multi-page section, as well as external links.

It was originally developed by Susheng Yang (ezsky) and Mengjue Shao (magic.shao).

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It is a simple module, but it could be quite useful, since it is very easy to use.


- PHP 5.5+ (the new official minimum PHP version for XOOPS. It might work on PHP 5.3.7+, but we don't test anymore on it)

- XOOPS (if you don't have it, you should update TODAY)

DOWNLOAD: About repository on GitHub

CONTRIBUTING: please fork About module on GitHub and submit your improvements there


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TUTORIAL: Available on GitBooks. It is in the early stages, and we need your help to make useful

To help, you can fork the Tutorial from GitHub and provide you submissions there

To check out other XOOPS Tutorials, please visit XOOPS section on GitBooks

Discussion about this module: please use this thread in the XOOPS Forums

Happy Xoopsing and May the Source be with You!