Posted by: Mamba On 2015/9/27 9:40:00 3578 reads

XOOPS New Tutorials added to XOOPS Documentation

New Tutorials added to XOOPS Documentation

Last year we've started to standardize on GitBook as our delivery mechanism for XOOPS Documentation (see here)

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Today I've added couple of new Tutorials: xLanguage and NewBB. They are not yet finalized and are still "work in progress", but because of this it gives the XOOPS Community the opportunity to get involved and help with improving our documentation, which we know is badly needed!

Please note that ALL of the XOOPS books are hosted on GitHub in the XOOPS Documentation repository, and therefore they all can be "forked", improved by you, and your modifications can be then submitted back to the original for inclusion. This is exactly the same process as with using GitHub as a Version Control for source code

The beauty of it is that you can learn and practice how to use GitHub, and at the same time help XOOPS to improve its documentation, especially since for writing documentation there is no programming expertise needed, but only the familiarity with the module. You can also start using the particular module and write the documentation as you learn how to use it.

The advantage of this approach is very clear: the XOOPS developers have limited amount of time, and they can:

1) spend it on debugging and improving existing modules, and developing new ones,
2) or they can spend it on writing tutorials.

It would be truly fantastic if those XOOPS users who don't have programming skills, could help us with documentation!