YAXS: ocaholic.ch/it/fr/co.uk/net with modified xBootstrap Theme

Posted by: reWARderOn 2015/2/27 14:01:58 6890 reads
Back in November 2014 I've started working with my coder from Italy on moving ocaholic to the xBootstrap theme. Meanwhile we've almost done everything we wanted to. There are some things in the forums we still want to change and there are also some minor changes to the way Publisher looks. Apart from that we want to change the news appear on the front page. But once all these things are done we're finally where we want to be.

Resized Image

Here we go with a link to the site: ocaholic

To give you a little overview which version of Xoops and the modules installed we're using, here a list:

Publisher: 1RC
Smartfaq: 1.08
Calendar: 2.21 Final
Multilingual Content Module: 2.17 Beta 1
extGallery: 1.11
News: 1.68 RC1
NewBB: 4.4 Alpha 1
WebLinks: 1.95
XoopsPoll: 1.33 Final
Private Messaging: 1.1 RC2
Smart Profile: 1.86 RC2
Xoops Tag: 2.31 Beta 2
xNewsletter: 1.2 Final
xLanguage: 3.05 Beta 1

Please let us know what you think. The theme is fully responsive also. If you have any suggestions we would be more than happy reading from you.