Developer News: Roadmap/Update 2.6.0

Posted by: geekwrightOn 2015/2/22 0:20:00 10562 reads
I get questions about the timing and status of XOOPS 2.6.0, along with questions about how to help. I apologize for not doing a better job of communicating in this area. It is great to know that there is such interest!

The short answer is, we've come a long way, but there is still more to do. But, the good news is the end is in sight!

I've have entered a list of issues on GitHub that represent what I consider the essential changes that are still required. These issues are tagged "roadmap" and can be seen here:

This roadmap is only to the completion of the 2.6.0 target and is where development resources will be directed. This roadmap gives us a great base for future enhancements.

The list is quite manageable, and even more so with more help. If you see anything on the list that you would be interested in helping with, please jump in. Even if a given issue is assigned to someone, coordinated collaborative help would likely be greatly appreciated. Just indicate your interest in a given issue as a comment, and we can make sure we are not duplicating each other's efforts.

I will be happy to answer any questions and expound on the issues as needed. The best way to ask questions is probably as a comment on the issue on GitHub, that way everyone benefits from the discussion.

We have recently added some contributing guidelines on GitHub. The GitHub environment is a bit different from the SVN environment used for earlier XOOPS versions, so it includes some explanations and links to resources that might help in the new environment. See:

In addition to the the roadmap issues, there are ongoing efforts to improve the quality of XoopsCore codebase. One example is unit testing. Alain91 has been doing a fantastic job creating and maintaining unit tests. (Insert a round of applause here. )

Unfortunately the rate of change in the remaining issues makes that effort a frustrating job. While we hope the individual developers will assist in updating the tests related to their changes, having "specialists" that watch that area and help keep up with the changes is a huge help. If you are familiar with or interested in unit testing using phpunit, this might be an opportunity to contribute.

Even if you can't program, you can still help out. Install a current copy of XoopsCore and try it out. Reporting bugs or other issues you notice is a big help.

With your help we can make this the best XOOPS ever!

Thanks for your attention. I'll get back to coding now.