XOOPS: Thanks!!!

Posted by: sitekeepOn 2003/2/7 12:11:37 4742 reads
I want to personally thank all of the developers of Xoops for their hard work. I have tried numerous CMS’s/Portals (all of the Nukes, Tiki, EZ-Publish, Mambo, E-107 and most of the other open source CMS’s) I started using Xoops 2 on a test site about a month ago and I have to say WOW!!!!

I tried Xoops last year about the time it was announced it was going the way of “SMARTY.” I have to admit the Smarty template engine looked daunting to me at that time. I wanted to run my web site using a CMS with out having to learn (Smarty) coding too. At that time I decided to use MyPhpNuke on my production site but I always kept an eye on Xoops.

When MyPhpNuke announced it was switching to Smarty I decided it was time to look hard at CMS’s again. Xoops 2 was not available yet and I tried Mambo for a while but realized it was not going to suit my needs. I looked around again found the beta of Xoops 2 and I was soon sure I found what I was looking for.

I have the highest opinion of Xoops 2 and the developers; I was very impressed by the way SMARTY was integrated into it. I have to say Xoops 2 RC1 is far ahead of the pack. I have incorporated into my production site after testing found it to as stable as what I had been using. Now I can get back to developing my site instead of looking for the best CMS/Portal for my needs, thanks to the Xoops crew I found it!

Thanks again!

Bob Boehmer
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