XOOPS: XOOPS 2.5.3 Final Released

Posted by: trabisOn 2011/10/4 0:10:00 28563 reads
The XOOPS Development Team is pleased to announce the release of XOOPS 2.5.3 Final.

In addition to bugs fixed in 2.5.2, this release is reverting fix for bug ID: 2672723 (Changed the code in Install to omits the SQL command: "ALTER DATABASE ... CHARACTER SET ..."), which was impacting new installations.

Please post and discuss all issues related to this release in this forum

We also need help with Translations

System requirements

Any PHP version >= 5.2 (PHP 5.3+ is strongly recommended)

MySQL server 5.0+

Web server:
Any server supporting the required PHP version (Apache highly recommended)

Downloading XOOPS

Your can get this release package from the Sourceforge repository.
There are .zip and .gz archives provided.

Installing XOOPS (new installation) ----------------------------------- 1. Copy the content of the htdocs/ folder where it can be accessed by your server 2. Ensure mainfile.php and uploads/ are writable by the web server 3. For security considerations, you are encouraged to move directories "/xoops_lib" (for XOOPS libraries) and "/xoops_data" (for XOOPS data) out of Document Root, and change the folder names. 4. Make the directory xoops_data/ writable; Create (if not already present) and make the directories xoops_data/caches/, xoops_data/caches/xoops_cache/, xoops_data/caches/smarty_cache/ and xoops_data/caches/smarty_compile/ writable. 5. Access the folder where you installed the htdocs/ files using your web browser to launch the installation wizard You can also check out the detailed Installation Guide and the Operations Guide Installing Protector in XOOPS ----------------------------------- We also highly recommend the installation of the PROTECTOR module which will bring additional security protection and logging capabilities to your site. Upgrading from a previous version ----------------------------------- Upgrading from 2.5.2 to 2.5.3: If you have a fresh install of 2.5.2, you should reinstall it. If you have only updated an existing XOOPS installation, you should just use the files from the update package "xoops2.5.2-to-2.5.3", and copy them over. Upgrading from 2.5.1a to 2.5.2: 1. Get the right update package from the sourceforge file repository 2. Overwrite files in XOOPS directory on your server with the content of /htdocs * make sure that you copy the content of /xoops_lib to whatever directory you keep it on the server now (it should be your current XOOPS_TRUST_PATH directory), then delete the /xoops_lib directory. There can NOT be two directories with the content of /xoops_lib 3. Update the "System" module from the modules administration interface. Other modules, especially "Profile", "PM", and "Protector" are recommended to update as well Upgrading from previous versions older than 2.5.0: 0. Verify the system requirements, in particular the version of PHP. Backup your XOOPS database and site directory. (There are several ways to do these actions, which are discussed elsewhere.) Turning your site off is optional. Change the permissions on mainfile.php and /include/license.php to be writable, for example: File Normal For upgrade mainfile.php 400 700 /include/license.php 444 777 Get the correct update package from the SourceForge file repository. 1. In the upgrade package folder, move the "upgrade" folder inside the "htdocs" folder, if it's not already there. Remove the install folder from the "htdocs" folder, if it's there. Remove the mainfile.php file from the "htdocs" folder, if it's there. If you've moved the xoops_data and xoops_lib folders outside your site's root directory, move these folders out of the "htdocs" folder in the upgrade package folder. 2. Delete the /modules/system directory on your current XOOPS site (to get rid of any old unnecessary files). 3. Overwrite the files in the XOOPS directory on your current XOOPS site with the content of "htdocs" folder of the upgrade package. (There are several ways to do this action, which are discussed elsewhere.) As noted above, if relocated, overwrite the files in your current xoops_data and xoops_lib with the content of those in the upgrade package. 4. If you have Protector previously installed, open the "mainfile.php" file , and remove the Pre-check and Post-check lines (if they exist): include XOOPS_TRUST_PATH.'/modules/protector/include/precheck.inc.php' ; include XOOPS_TRUST_PATH.'/modules/protector/include/postcheck.inc.php' ; 5. At your site's address (URL), login as administrator. Access /upgrade/ with a browser, and follow the instructions (and any for updating your XOOPS database). After all updates have been applied (green checkmarks), note the link in the Updater to update the "system" module, and do so. 6. Delete the "upgrade" folder from your site's "htdocs" directory. 7. Update (reload) other modules, especially "Profile", "PM", and "Protector," if necessary. 8. Change permissions on the files noted above back to their normal state. 9. Turn your site back on, if you turned it off earlier. Debug information display level ----------------------------------- Since XOOPS 2.3.1 debug information display level is enabled as a temporary solution for 2.3* to show debug information to different level of users: to all users, to members or to admins only. The configuration can be set in /xoops_data/configs/xoopsconfig.php As a default, the display level is set for Admin only. Files integrity check ----------------------------------- The full XOOPS package is released with a script able to check if all the system files have been correctly uploaded to the server. To use it, follow these instructions: 1. Upload the checksum.php and checksum.md5 files located in the XOOPS package root to your XOOPS server folder (putting them next to mainfile.php). 2. Execute checksum.php with your browser 3. If necessary, re-upload the missing or corrupted system files 4. Remove checksum.php and checksum.md5 from your server Modules ----------------------------------- This release contains only the "system-related modules". You are invited to browse the XOOPS modules repository to if you need additional functionality. Note: as a new repository is being built, the current repository is not up-to-date, PLEASE VISIT INDIVIDUAL DEVELOPERS' WEBSITES TO MAKE SURE YOU ARE USING LATEST VERSION OF MODULES. How to contribute ----------------------------------- Bug report: http://sourceforge.net/tracker/?group_id=41586&atid=430840 Patch and enhancement: http://sourceforge.net/tracker/?group_id=41586&atid=430842 Feature design: http://sourceforge.net/tracker/?group_id=41586&atid=430843 Release announcement: https://lists.sourceforge.net/lists/listinfo/xoops-announcement We would like to thank all developers who contributed fixes (ForMuss, Trabis, Zyspec, Mamba, Mage), and our users who helped us with testing, especially Sabahan. XOOPS Development Team October 3rd, 2011 ================ Change Log ================ Security fixes: - Removed support for script driven images!!! (High-Tech Bridge Security Research Lab/trabis) - Fixed XSS (Cross Site Scripting) vulnerability in /include/formdhtmltextarea_preview.php (High-Tech Bridge Security Research Lab/trabis) Bugfixes: - ID: 3416069 - avatars upload problem (cesag/trabis) - MyTextSanitizer::htmlSpecialChars() using UTF-8 by default (trabis) - System Waiting block produces queries for inactive modules (trabis) - 'Selected modules does not exist' if using inactive module on startpage (trabis) - Protector Module - Added stopforumspam option (trabis) - Modules admin does not show update warning for modules that have no main. (trabis) - ID: 3411696 custom avatar is not deleted after user change avatar (sabahan) - XoopsCaptcha does not load captcha configs correctly (trabis) - XoopsCaptcha is not allowing the use of Frameworks folder (trabis) - XoopsCaptcha(Method) is not extensible enough, can't add new captcha methods without hacking (trabis) - ID: 2909799 Unbalanced [quote] introduces unbalanced "< div >" tag (ghia/trabis) - ID: 2704039 backend.php does not work in 2.3.3 (drieben/trabis) - ID: 3026492 Xoops Forms using Single Quotes For Html tags (catzwolf/trabis) - ID: 3000518 Required fields for registration are not always enforced(csware/trabis) - ID: 2795050 user profile Bug (zaza123/trabis) - ID: 3014493 SQL structure duplicates wrongly PM module table (ghia/mamba) - ID: 3139081 xoops_error displays array dump (madreus/trabis) - ID: 2937966 Reusing loop variable in preferences (ghia/trabis) - ID: 2843028 Bug fonction "checkRight" class XoopsGroupPerm (mageg/trabis) - ID: 2827946 Required list message doesn't appear (daviddu54/trabis) - cleanVars() does not enforce array() on vars of type 'array' (trabis) - XoopsUserUtility::validate() {$uid} not set in query (trabis) - ID: 3410742 Broken Message Icon Image for core pm. (sabahan/Mamba) - ID: 1988039 does not accept some valid email addresses (anderssk/trabis) - ID: 1889743 Installation of module fails if SQL file ends with a comment (ojobazos/trabis) - ID: 1811479 Showing the right block in the wrong place: Top page wrong d (nachenko/trabis) - ID: 3409728 PM Module : Missing message icon in readpmsg.php (sabahan/Mamba) - ID: 3409391 From module condition check error in pmlite.php (zyspec) - ID: 2959764 Path with spaces causes bad login redirect (bhardie/trabis) - ID: 2843027 Bug class criteria GroupBy (mageg/trabis) - $block = new XoopsBlock($id); not assigning block vars. (trabis) - ID: 3403521 System Block Class, getContent var case inconsistency (zyspec/trabis) - ID: 2956172 Internet Explorer 8 and Alt-attribute (drieben/mamba) - ID: 3408962 theme set during install & register (sabahan/formuss) - ID: 3408955 comment display mode standardization (sabahan/formuss) - ID: 3288975 javascript calendar date format localization (ianez/formuss) - ID: 3059263 Word Censoring Options not work (trabis) - ID: 3408572 zetadigme admin gui - top banner bug (sabahan) - ID: 3090520 class xoopsform default date (philou_themes) - ID: 3408236 PM Module - Missing Message Icon selector (sabahan/Mamba) - ID: 2340215 Not possible to use URL link in images (marcoxoops/Mamba) - ID: 3406494 Geshi support in textsanitizer, syntaxhighlight incomplete (zyspec/trabis) - ID: 3074089 XoopsModelSync, synchronization method always returns true (zyspec/Formuss) - ID: 3404935 Avatar for new users is set to 'blank.gif' (trabis/Formuss) - ID: 3407347 Somewhat weird for the xoops_data, xoops_lib directory (trabis) - ID: 3404306 message is delete directly no confirmation yes or no (trabis) - ID: 3383092 Cache problems with Stylesheets (trabis) - ID: 3406326 Setting of Message image not implemented in Core pmlite.php (Mamba) - ID: 3406244 Read/Unread PM Module indicator in Core (sabahan/Mamba) - ID: 3197093 formcheckbox.php validation not working in xoops 2.5.1a (Satrebil/trabis) - ID: 2952506 Read/Unread PM Module indicator (sarahmx/Mamba) - ID: 3404307 read and unread pm icon (Sabahan/Mamba) - ID: 3404000 display of empty profile field (sabahan/trabis) - ID: 3403568 avatar problem (sabahan/Formuss) - ID: 3291912 multilanguage Language Issue (sabahan/Formuss) - ID: 3241757 Module Update Error Messages (zyspec/Formuss) - ID: 3400039 When module is deactivated, blocks are still active (Mamba/Formuss) - ID: 3252445 Setting avatar display "off" in System Avatar has no effect (Mamba/Formuss) - ID: 2482129 Huge number of files created in /smarty_cache (trabis) - ID: 3109230 Cloned template are not accessible (Drieben/Formuss) - ID: 3288284 Uninitialized variable in gui.php (Mamba/Formuss) - ID: 3252474 Missing "Delete" action icon on Custom Avatars (Mamba/Formuss) - Fix an error for display admin template (Mage/Formuss) - Activate/Deactivate module was not updating xoops_active_modules cache file(trabis) - ID: 3273466 Banner : Add new advertiser (Tatane/Formuss) Added: - ModuleAdmin class to /Frameworks (mage,mamba) - Added renderValidationJS() for captcha (trabis) - Recaptcha catpcha support (ghia/DhSoft/trabis) - Preview button for blocks (trabis) - "admin_warnings_enable" option in xoops_data/configs/xoopsconfig.php (trabis) - Preload event 'checkcache' on header.php to allow disable caching on specific conditions (trabis) - XoopsObject::getVar() case 'n' for XOBJ_DTYPE_ARRAY/XOBJ_DTYPE_UNICODE_ARRAY to allow getting raw value (trabis) Improved: - Changed "debugLevel" default option to 2(admins only) in xoops_data/configs/xoopsconfig.php(trabis) - XoopsGroupPermHandler::getRight() as new parameter $trueifadmin to allow modules to set admin permissions (trabis) - subject icons in private messages to be set by sender and not by the system (mamba) - Blocks admin using cookies to save select boxes status (trabis) - Moved js and css from xo_scripts template into gui class(using $xoTheme) to avoid module conflicts - require class/xoopslocal.php causing problems with RMCommon (mamba/trabis) Reverted: - ID: 2672723 Changed the code in Install to omits the SQL command: "ALTER DATABASE ... CHARACTER SET ..." if it's not needed. (bs_php) Language: - added language\english\misc.php _MSC_CLICK_TO_OPEN_IMAGE, _MSC_RESIZED_IMAGE, _MSC_ORIGINAL_IMAGE - added language\english\pmsg.php _PM_SURE_TO_DELETE - modules\system\language\english\admin\tplsets.php _AM_SYSTEM_TEMPLATES_SET - removed modules/system/themes/default/language/english/admin/admin.php _OXYGEN_XOOPSENGINE - removed modules/system/language/english/admin/blocksadmin.php _AM_SYSTEM_BLOCKS_SAVE