Modules: Alumni 3.01 RC Released

Posted by: jlm69On 2011/4/11 17:30:00 5421 reads
Alumni 3.01 RC Released

Resized Image

I have released version 3.01 RC of the Alumni Module.
This release is for Xoops versions 2.3.3b and up.

I also added the new ModuleAdmin Class by mage, but in my modules I made it so if you are not using Xoops 2.5.0 it will use the standard Xoops GUI.

Changed the search so you can now search by Category/School.

Edited search results page layout.

ADDED showing 1-5 OF X on the first search results page, if there are more than one page.

Broke down the index page. Now there is an index page, a categories page, and a listing page.
The URL's are different. (EX. listing.php?lid=1)

Improved sorting listings

Added notifications

You can now put adsense code or Xoops banner in your listings. on index page and category page.

Tested on:

XOOPS 2.4.4
XOOPS 2.3.3b
XOOPS 2.5.0


PHP Version 5.3.6
mySQL Version 5.1.55
Server API apache2handler


PHP Version - 5.2.14
MySQL Version - 5.0.92-community
Server API Version - cgi

Any problems PLEASE report HERE.

You can get it HERE.

