Themes: The Bind Blog for XOOPS (commercial)
Posted by: aph3xOn 2011/4/3 11:12:19 4942 reads"The Bind Blog" is a 2 columns theme for XOOPS. The archive also includes the HTML source which can be used to port the template to other systems. HERE you can view the theme installed on XOOPS 2.5 "The Bind Blog" is a leather bound notebook template making it perfect for blog sites and generally websites that focus on article publishing. It contains 5 color styles (not available in demo), its structure is based on a fixed width tableless design. Like all other themes it costs $10 and it can be purchased via paypal or you can subscribe to our membership and get access to all other professional designs. Members can login and download from HERE The package also contains system & module templates Enjoy!