XOOPS: XOOPS Community is the Best!

Posted by: MambaOn 2011/1/21 11:40:00 5974 reads
This year we've made to the Top 5 Open Source CMS in the Packt Publishing's Awards, but unfortunately we didn't make it to the Top 3.

One the judges (Bryan Ruby from CMS Report) published recently his evaluation scores.

The good news is that XOOPS got the highest score for the "Size and Support from Community" - the only CMS which got the "5".

I would like to thank each and everyone who provides support on the forums and is helping other XOOPS users. We have always stressed that our community is the most friendly and supportive, and it's nice to see it recognized and confirmed. Let's keep it going and keep helping each other, and especially those people who are just starting with XOOPS!

Also good news is that we were ranked #4, together with CMS Made Simple, and the difference between us and #3 was only one point.

So there are a lot of opportunities in 2011!