News: Ask Michelle

Posted by: malexandriaOn 2002/1/14 17:44:38 6380 reads
Hello All,

My name is Michelle and I'm the PM for the Xoops Team. One of my duties as PM for Xoops is to market this fine piece of software and to keep the community of Users and Developers happy. So one of the very first things I want to do is start establishing a dialog between the rapidly expanding Xoops Community and the development team. I will try and keep you guys abreast of what's going on with Xoops in these weekly updates. You can also send me an email with questions and I'll see if I can get one of the developers to answer it. I'll then post it in the weekly Ask Michelle column.

I'm going to start with a few of the most asked questions.

1) When is RC2 Scheduled?

The developers just released RC 1.1.1 to our development team this weekend. We are all working on killing bugs now. If all goes well with this package, we'll be able to release RC2 within the next 2 - 3 weeks.

2) Sounds Cool, but what's planned for RC2

Once RC2 is released, we will have a code freeze. And we will release Technical and User documentation for you guys to start development modules and themes for Xoops. As it is now, we do not want to commit to listing all the modules and enhancements that we're currently testing.

3) Xoops is cool, can I join the development team?

We want to keep the core developers down to the team that we have for now. Once final is released, we'll ask for a few more to join the team. If you are interested in joining the development team, send Onakuza an email with some of your code samples. We will also look at any hacks the development community sends us. If it's a good useful hack, then we may add it to the core and of course give you the appropriate credit.

As for module development, our philosophy is similar to PN's as we want a module system that users can install mods without them affecting the core product. All of the modules that come with the Xoops package are swappable. But we will only support the modules that we release with our product. Our entire development process is similar to Apache, PHP, Linux, where we keep the core small, but will provide the documentation and encouragement needed for module developers.

But I'm looking for folks to join the documentation team. Just send me an email or PM if you want to help and document a section.

4) Do you have a bug tracker?

YES! This week we will launch our Bug Tracker system, which you guys/gals can view. Once RC2 is released we are asking for all you bug killers to help us kill as many bugs as possible and submit your fixes, that will go a long way towards speeding up Final release.

5) MPN/PN Upgrade Scripts?

Well there better be :), as I run my main site on PN. The plan is to release an MPN/PN Upgrade script with the Final version. I'm not sure what the coder's plans are for releasing it with RC2. Personally I'm all for doing it with RC2, but then there will be the inevitable problem of users crashing their sites and yelling at us for releasing an upgrade script that "doesn't" work. Which is why we're hesitant to release one with a beta product.

6)What Modules will be included with RC2 and Final?

See answer 2. But I can tell you the most likely candidates, the stuff that is already in development are

a) Enhanced Sections
which will give people the ability to create multiform stories.

b) Gallery
An enhanced Gallery Module.

c) A built in newsletter module

d) An event calendar

e) Yellow Pages Module

Although I'm not going to guarantee these for RC2 and Final, I'm about 70 percent sure these will be included with the next release. :)

So that's it for this week's update.

Feel free to email me at
