XOOPS: XOOPS Receives "Best Technology Award" for X3 from NEA OSS Forum

Posted by: XoopsCouncilOn 2010/10/27 8:00:00 6367 reads
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We are extremely pleased to announce that XOOPS has received the "Best Technology Award" from the North East Asia OSS Forum for the upcoming X3 version of XOOPS, that will be officially released as Alpha version this weekend. The judges were impressed with X3 architecture, its usage of state-of-the-art PHP libraries such as Zend Framework and Smarty 3, and the direction XOOPS is taking toward becoming a "Web Application-oriented development platform"

As DJ mentioned in the August news, the first public Alpha was scheduled to be released in October 2010, and we're very happy that we're on schedule with this release. It will be a first step to learn more about X3 and to explore it.

The Award will be presented on Thursday, Nov. 4th, in Seoul, South Korea, and Michael Beck (aka Mamba) will be there to receive it on behalf of XOOPS.

Since he will be in Korea, he would like to encourage all XOOPS developers to attend the NEA OSS Forum Conference, so he could meet with you in person while in Seoul and discuss future XOOPS development, as well as to celebrate together this achievement. Please contact him via PM if you're coming to Seoul, so he can arrange a meeting with you (probably in the evening or in between the sessions on Nov. 4th).

On Friday, Nov. 5th, Mamba will be for 7 hours at the Narita Airport in Japan, while switching planes to China, so if anybody from the XOOPS Japan community would like to meet with him there, he would be very happy about it.

On Saturday and Sunday, Nov. 6th and 7th, Mamba will be in Beijing, meeting with DJ and the members of the XOOPS China Community.

We are extremely excited about this "Best Technology Award" for the "next generation" of XOOPS version, and about the opportunity to meet with the Asian XOOPS developers.