XOOPS: A member (Eparcyl92) of our community has just left us!

Posted by: kris_frOn 2010/10/6 16:10:00 5286 reads
We just learned of the death of our friend Eparcyl92 (Didier Didgon) at the age of 50 years.

Didier was an active member of the French community, to share his many contributions humorous forums Xoops France but also in some Asian forums, plus he was the author of many hacks it offered on its website of Nullos.

"Eparcyl, quiet" was his signature, and we miss him already.
Our thoughts are with his family and friends in these painful moments.

Xoops France has set up a condolence page to receive your messages of sympathy.

Feel free to post on that page and in comments to this article.

Didier, rest in peace