Modules: xDonations 1.96 - FINAL

Posted by: zyspecOn 2010/9/22 6:40:00 6718 reads

xDonations 1.96 - FINAL
Accept Paypal Donation with IPN Notifications

xDonations is a XOOPS 2 module that allows a site to accept donations from Paypal and track donations using the Paypal IPN notification.


  • Manual entry of 'offline' donations to keep the Treasury in sync
  • Search / Display Transaction History
  • Display / Clear IPN History
  • Allows the administrator to set the default currency
  • Selectable donation amounts (and default) configurable through Admin
  • 3 XOOPS blocks
    • Accept donations
    • Display donors
    • Display recent donations
  • Ability to use custom donation button
  • Let donors Show / Hide their name (give anonymously)
  • Ability to automatically add donors to XOOPS group
  • Ability to automatically give donors a specific XOOPS ranking
  • Provide users with a 'landing' page for Thank You or Cancelled transactions
  • Set Weekly / Monthly / Quarterly goals
  • Language string define can be translated using XOOPS language files. Release includes English and partial French.
  • Test features:
    • IPN connection test
    • Track various levels of Information (Info, Errors only, etc)
    • Log file to track history
    • Test configuration using Paypal Sandbox account
There have been no code changes since v1.96 BETA 2.

New in this release:

See INSTALL.TXT for a more complete change log.

  • Added:
    • Australian Dollar as a default currency option
    • Language constants to improve translation capability
    • New constants to enhance error tracking capability
    • Ability to display/clear IPN log in Admin
    • Ability to search/display by Transaction ID in Admin
    • Variable sanitation in various places
    • Support for xdonations_ipn.log file in XOOPS upload directory
  • Changed:
    • 'edit' and 'delete' icons in Admin to use Crystal graphics
    • Html code to improve W3C compliance and readability
    • Date entry in Admin Treasury to use XOOPS javascript calendar
    • Mysql file to use 'ENGINE' instead of 'TYPE'
    • Mysql to add table indexes to improve performance
    • Mysql queries in various places to reduce number of db calls
  • Removed:
    • requirement for FormSolution class, removed file

Important Notices:

Please read the INSTALL.TXT file for installation and configuration information. You MUST change configuration settings (Paypal URL, Receiver Email, etc) before using this module.

Backup your existing site before installing/upgrading any new XOOPS module.

Please report any issues to the issues list.

Download: XOOPS xDonations