YAXS: Drug and alcohol rehabilitation centers worldwide

Posted by: bjutiOn 2010/8/19 15:30:00 6362 reads
Drugs and alcohol rehab centers - the full list of rehabilitation centers worldwide, including USA, Canada, England, Irleand, Northen Irleand, Scotland, Wales and the rest of the Europe (France, Germany, Serbia etc).

AFAIK the list of rehab centers is complete and relevant for all the world.

Also, drug and alcohol addiction is not the only addiction. Some centers do gambling addiction treatment and online addiction treatment.

So stay away from drugs!

The platform is:
Xoops 2.4.4

mostly based on SmartSection

Simple theme from Kris (i think) :)

This website is a result of 6 month hard work, so pls don't look its design, but content. There are more than 20.000+ drug, alcohol and and gambling rehab centers there.

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