Modules: xNews 1.68 UTF-8 CLonable & SEO **** RC1 ****
Posted by: dnprossiOn 2010/6/8 14:20:00 7522 readsSorry for such long timelapse but had to move both appartment and office.
I have made lots of old and new bug corrections, changes and improvements and before making any other addition I would like to consolidate 1.68 version as is, therefore I made an RC1 version for testing and will soon realease xNews 1.68 FINAL and after that i will concentrate on 1.69 version.
In the works - New xNews Importer/Exporter Module 1.0
Here is a list of major changes. Made so many though that I did loose track of some....
- Module preferences
- changed "Show Previous and Next link" to accept None, Bottom, Top, Both visualization
- added "Display Link Icons" (print, friend, pdf icons) as above
- changed "SEO enable" to accept none, htaccess, path-info
- added "SEO path" to include a title in url
- added "SEO level" to htaccess in xoops root dir or in module dir for different url visualization
eg. ROOT =
- Clone manager
- added "Force upgrade" to enable further upgrading in case things go wrong
- added "Delete" clone once uninstalled (this will remove selected clone dir and files completely).
- Other
- added "Extend meta-data input" to toggle between text and textarea for user edit meta-data input
with 255 char max length control
- added and modified htaccess one for root and one for modules/xnews as needed
- improved UTF-8 management
- Fixed Comments SEO related issues
Upgrading xNews Beta to RC1:
copy all files in modules/xnews then go to admin-modules menu and update xnews.
Upgrading clones Beta to RC1:
go to admin-xnews-Clone Manager and click on "Force Upgrade" for each clone then goto admin-modules
and update each upgraded clone.
Download link