XOOPS: XOOPS Booster for Common Utilities

Posted by: bitceroOn 2010/5/14 23:20:00 5718 reads
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I'm very glad to present the new plugin for Common Utilities called Xoops Booster.

Xoops Booster speed up Xoops by reducing the loading times for pages, reducing to milliseconds the times to render and output a page. This plugin is ideal for sites with high trafic of users because it reduces to practically a zero the calls to database.

Also, Xoops Booster, is an excellent option for sites with slow servers or old servers.

Xoops Booster stores in cache singles files for each page, then when users try to access it, Booster load from cache and present the page inmediatly.

The plugin can be configured specifying times for expired pages and pages to exclude from cache.

In local tests the results are very exiting, until a 500% on improvement.

However, if somebody can do a bechmarking test with plugin activated and deactivated, will be usefull for all.

Download Xoops Booster
Xoops Booster Docs (spanish)