Modules: xNews 1.68 UTF-8 CLonable & SEO **** BETA ****

Posted by: dnprossiOn 2010/3/24 17:00:00 11278 reads
In less than a month already 90 downloads *** Thanks ***

On request I decided to add SEO functionality to xNews. I made it 1.68 Beta.

Here is a short help explaining how to update original and upgrade clones.

The original xNews module is the Main Manager for cloning, uprading and removing cloned modules. And in case of version updates it must be the first one to be updated.

For example: you now have "xNews" original plus "Library" and "Info" clones v 1.67
you get xNews v 1.68 and overwrite xNews 1.67 ( *** original xNews only!!! ***) with new files. You can update from xNews admin Clone Manager or directly from Modules Admin. Once updated you will see that in Clone Manager the clones in the list will have Upgrade ACTION active now. Click on each, one at a time to upgrade them to new verison then go to Modules Admin and update them normally.

Now all your clones are ready to work with the new 1.68 version.

I have added a Topics Display enable/disable preferences option. In case of an info clone where I can add general infomation to the site I did not want topic selection and navigation to be viewed.

On request I added SEO functionality to xNews. No installation is needed. Everything is controlled by new SEO Enable module preferences settings. yes/enabled no/disabled.

Everything works from xnews or cloned module dirs not from root so you can have one clone seo and others not.

To get SEO working be sure that server is mod-rewrite enabled and symlinks are correctly configured.
Controll if .htaccess file has been copied during upgrade. If not get the one in seo folder and copy it from htaccess.txt to .htaccess in modules/xnews modules/clone dirs

I use xlanguage alot and use function.xoLanguage.php in xoops/class/smarty/xoops_plugins so to have my language controls where i want on my themes, i modified it to work with SEO urls reparsing them to normal when needed. I included these file with xNews module.

I want to thank all who are translating xNews, I will add all languages when major changes will come to an end and we have a stable realease (have not added my italian translation either yet). In the meantime Thank you all again.

**** Thanks to voltan for his new nifty admin/index interface included now in 1.68.


- Added SEO
- preferences Seo Enable config option
- htaccess in modules/xnews folder
- seo.php in modules/xnews
- function.xoLanguage.php in xoops/class/smarty/xoops_plugins
- xoSmartyFunctions.php in xoops/Frameworks/smarty
- Added new admin/index interface by voltan (thank you!)
- Added new config option in module preferences Dispay topics title yes no this will hide topics
from header title and also disable topic image clicking.
- Language file changes
changed define("_AM_NW_GROUPPERM", "Permissions");
added define("_MA_NW_SP", ":");
added define("_MA_NW_POSTED", "Posted");
added define("_MI_NW_TOPICDISPLAY", "Display Topics");
added define("_MI_NW_TOPICDISPLAYDESC", "This will enable/disable Topics title in block headers");
added define("_MI_NW_SEOENABLE", "SEO enable");
added define("_MI_NW_SEOENABLEDESC", "This will enable/disable SEO activity");
- Fixed item width to 100% when short scoop and extended item block shrunk on some themes
- Fixed topic image alignment
- Many other small fixes

You can download xNews 1.68 beta here