Hacks: Xoops News SEO application

Posted by: baro28On 2008/12/14 16:00:00 10978 reads
Hi, Now news 1.56 seo aplication

1- xoops module news 1.56 to set up site
2- .htaccess your index upload
3- and xoops news Module Settings - Enable meta datas (keywords and description) to be entered ? ( turn YES )
4 - Add news, make sure to enter Meta keywords

Now sample news add

Resized Image

http://www.sitename.com/news/exapmle-aricles-1/ good url ok :)

password : http://www.barisdemir.net

?ebinkarahisar Kozlucakoyu
Kelkit Vadisi

Posted by Bar?? Demir