Modules: Weblog updated for 2.4.x and php5

Posted by: sailjapanOn 2010/3/16 12:40:00 8814 reads
I've been trying to get a simple blog that works with 2.4.4, and finally decided to hack weblog 1.41 so that it will install and not return any sql errors. It seems to be running ok, and I haven't found any bugs yet. I heard that there was a 1.45 version somewhere, but I couldn't find it and the forums are full of problems with that too.

What I had to do was make sure everything was utf8 and basically get it to run on php 5.x. Following leads from xgarb in the forums: here

I think I got everything that needed doing.

I haven't tested the languages except English (which seems ok), and to be honest, there were so many changes that I don't remember what (if anything) I did to the language files. No change log or any such clever stuff... sorry

Anyway, I'm 'donating' it to the xoops project for peer review, and to await the official declaration that it's been 'Moved to Blue' once it's been checked. Any other errors that come up will have to be dealt with by you, the community. I'm no programmer

It serves my purpose, and might do well enough for others too.

It's on my server here until someone puts it on svn.

Over to you