Modules: XoopsPoll 1.3 released

Posted by: MazarinOn 2010/1/17 14:20:00 11449 reads
XoopsPoll is the classic XOOPS module for putting polls on your website or in your forum threads. This version is a small update to the 1.2 version of XoopsPoll which increases compatibility and introduces some minor, new features.

Changes include:
- Improved block, showing results after voting
- Allow/prohibit anonymous voting by poll
- Updated/fixed logic for checking if a user has voted
- Full compatibility with PHP5, MySQL5, and XOOPS 2.4.x

Resized Image

Download: Click here

Install: Uninstall your old version of XoopsPoll and make a fresh install of the new version. There has been database changes, so an update won't work.

Credits: Thanks to titiou36 for the MySQL update and burning for the module logo.