Themes: The New Design of XOOPS China has been Online

Posted by: insraqOn 2009/11/7 10:00:00 6482 reads
XOOPS China is devoted to continuous improvement of the design. It’s been five months since the “new” theme of XOOPS China was online. We make a improved design according to the feedback. This design is still blue-styled, but much livelier and cleaner.

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We apply 960 Grid System to make sure that it works well in most browsers. Meanwhile we improve the efficiency of coding, to lessen the loading time.
In addition to the new design, we shift from Mootools to JQuery. A lot of new features are created with JQuery.

The new deisgn of “Login Box” with “overlay” effect.

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The new “User Menu” with “tip” effect.

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The “New Post Panel” is completely redesigned. The tabs triggered by mouseover can be switched on and off with Toggle Effect.

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For example, the “New Post panel is on by default”. You can click “??????” (That means “Toggle the Panel”) to switch off “New Post Panel” and the page become simple and clean.

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The Site Show part is a JQuery-powered slideshow. It’s fancy and easy to maintain.

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