YAXS: New site in beta - www.nonprofitlocal.com

Posted by: ldeatonOn 2009/10/8 23:00:00 6234 reads
Hi, everyone - I'm pleased to announce that we just recently launched a beta version of our new site, Nonprofit Local. This our second xoops site, following Pluff Mud Connect.

Programming was done by Simon Roberts of Chronolabs (wishcraft), Marc-Andre Lanciault, and Ted Schaefer, our own personal Code Pirate. Site design was done by Fernando De La Pava at XoopsDesign. We're grateful for the talent and contributions of each of you!

Modules include:
System 2.0
Liaise 1.25
CBB 3.08
News 1.63
Private Messaging 1.0
User Profile 1.52
Protector 3.22
WF-Channel 2.05
Wordpress for Xoops 2.05
Tips 1.0 (custom designed for us by Inbox International)

Screenshot is below. We'd love your feedback!

--Laura Deaton
Resized Image