YAXS: Chordae Felicae with XOOPS-2.3.3

Posted by: sinnedesignOn 2009/9/1 9:50:00 5540 reads
Today I would like to introduce you the website from our german Ensemble Chordae Felicae.

Resized Image

I have build the site with XOOPS - 2.3.3 and the following XOOPS Modules:

- Our Chor Blog with the News Module
- Forum and Poll with the Newbb and umfrage Modules
- The Gallery with the extgallery Modul.
- The Calendar made with extcal
- The Guestbook with the Casdedi - Module

and many more XOOPS - Modules.

I hope you like the Site.

Regards, Your Sinnedesign