Security: Security Patch for XOOPS 2.3.3

Posted by: MambaOn 2009/8/20 13:10:00 13332 reads
As discussed previously in forums, there are potential vulnerabilities identified in:

a) PM
b) Protector


While (a) is addressed by having Protector installed, and (b) is addressed by having "register_globals" disabled and having XOOPS_TRUST_PATH outside of the Document Root, we've addressed the issues in XOOPS 2.4.

However, since we don't know when exactly we'll release XOOPS 2.4, we're releasing this Security Patch for XOOPS 2.3.3 users.

Download: SourceForge XOOPS.

Installation: See the ReadMe.txt file

You are highly encouraged to implement the patch to your existing XOOPS 2.3.3 system.

Special thanks to Trabis, who addressed these issues.