Modules: UHQ-IceAuth v0.5 Released

Posted by: iunderwoodOn 2009/7/11 23:10:00 6047 reads
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Today, I am happy to announce that UHQ-IceAuth v0.5 is now available! There are a number of other features I'm looking to implement on the way to 1.0, but the core module has proven solid, stable, and above all: functional.

This module allows anyone who uses an IceCast server to authenticate against your XOOPS user directory. I've been working on this for the past year or so to limit and log listener data for an online radio station I run as a hobby.

You can download it here.

This version has been tested against XOOPS 2.3.3.

Icecast 2.3 is required. (2.3.2 is recommended). The IceCast KH branch is required for source authentication. 2.3.2-KH10 is the most recently tested branch w/ this module.

==[ Credits ]==

Module created and maintained by Ian A. Underwood (iunderwood).

Concept and some code from IceCast2 Auth (ice), by Mark McRitchie.
Framework-free admin header as implemented by Zoullou.
Admin EXM Icons from the Crystal Project.
Thanks to Karl Hayes of for his assistance.