XOOPS: Mobile Computing & XOOPS - Tested OK

Posted by: wishcraftOn 2009/5/18 19:50:00 8346 reads
Resized ImageXOOPS offers the very best in mobile computing solutions, but at the moment not without a bit of leg work. Due to the design of XOOPS there are many solutions you can provide to your clients and your own business with XOOPS for mobile computing, that will make it very cost effective. All you need is an Apache service running MySQL and PHP. You can even run it on IIS with particular system environments and variables set.

Mobile computing is a generic term describing one's ability to use technology while moving, as opposed to portable computers, which are only practical for use while deployed in a stationary configuration.

Many types of mobile computers have been introduced since the 1990s, including the:

* Wearable computer
* Personal digital assistant/Enterprise digital assistant
* Smartphone
* Carputer

With the extendable smarty template engine as well as reliable and rock solid Core, XOOPS can bring your mobile computing experience alive with network response and performance not to mention one of the best Open Source delivery method around making the result cheaper and beneficial to company and business; the small time operator and none business use.

Of course, XOOPS has been congenitally designed for the laptop, desktop, fridge computer and other household technology demographics, offering quite a smorgas board of solutions, all at http://www.xoops.org. However you can simply change the template engine to suit a mobile device and bingo - in seconds you have a site that is designed for mobile computing use.

Some examples of mobile computing you will find with sites like mobile.ebay.com and mobile.live.com. These are sites designed for mobile computing use whether it is your phone or solution providing tablet. There are some basic steps of setting up a mobile computing workhorse with XOOPS

Some of these steps include:
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If you are a mobile computing solution provider these 5 simplified steps to making a site will have you rolling out your client sites in next to no time, with a base of modules and other solutions. With this you can provide solutions very quickly and far more effectively.

Of course, with the vast number of XOOPS modules and XOOPS performance indication, even with an existing XOOPS site you can offer a mobile portal version of your content and modules. This will make a massive expansion in your usability. On your blackberry, nokia, Resized ImageLG, Palm, whatever - you can use XOOPS.

Why spend 12 month developing rudimentary website tools like user login, session handling, services, modules, your look and feel and more when you get that all bundled with a download of XOOPS. And by doing it you'll be able to cut down the number of programmers needed to do the development, and thus save cost.

If you would like to know more about mobile computing with XOOPS talk to our community, join the forums or email one of the developers. You start to a quicker, brighter, better world that will give you an opportunity to cut cost and take a pre-developed, pre-tested Web Framework and use it.

XOOPS – Just use it!

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