YAXS: Gifts45.com got socialized

Posted by: tzvookOn 2008/9/3 21:40:00 6394 reads
Gifts45.com is focusing on social news too

After a long busy period, with no time for updates, we left other projects for a while, to implement Onokazu's great social-news ( digg style ) module - Xigg

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Gifts45.com is now a better platform for site promotion (or products promotion) and is focusing in the "Shopping / Gifts / Travel" fields of interest.
The site is heavily based on two main modules: weblinks and xigg (thank you Ohawada & ono for this exelent modules)

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Direct link to the new social news section is: http://www.gifts45.com/modules/Xigg/index.php/ ( we called it " what's on" )

Those who use our inTHEtube module and are interested to see what it inspired us to do with it (not xoops unfortunately, due to some tech issues) - can see : inTHEtube.TV - we liked the module - so we made a whole site around the inTHEtube idea ( site is in beta stage )
