YAXS: Foundation For Human and Humanitarian Rights - Lebanon

Posted by: marianeOn 2008/9/1 21:50:00 6353 reads
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im so glade to announce you that http://www.fhhrl.org (Foundation For Human and Humanitarian Rights - Lebanon) is built with xoops.

Again xoops prove without any doubt that it can be the best solution for any kind of websites.

in this website i use :
- wfchannel 1.07 to create mission , objectives and most pages of the web
- xcgal (my favorite module ) is choosen to show the training pictures made by the foundation
- my downloads : helped me to store different reports, themes,and campaings
- with contact i made a small application form to let pple sending their suggestions and comments to the foundation
- the latest news module has been choosen to wrote multiple articles and studies of the foundation
-my links shows some friends websites
and finaly the xtcal to show events dates in the foundation

regarding the theme : the original one was UltraViolet Purple V2 http://www.xoopsdesign.com/modules/news/article.php?storyid=61 but for some necessities i changed colours, width, and bullets to be compatible with the official colours adopted by the foundation.

i accept all your comments and suggestions to make this website more professional and friendly use

thank you for your support
again im proud to use xoops in all my websites