XOOPS: New Tutorial for MyTabs 2.0

Posted by: MambaOn 2008/8/12 0:10:00 7822 reads
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Burning did an awesome job with developing some cool tutorials for XOOPS. We are now in process of translating them into English from French.

As first, we've translated the MyTabs 2.0 Tutorial. You can download it from SourceForge

We definitely need volunteers for that, so if have some extra time, please help us. The beauty of it is that you don't need to know PHP or be programming expert to do it

Also, if you would like to translate the tutorials into other languages, please let us know as well.

And thanks to Burning for all his help & support, and to chco2, who developed the cover! Such community involvement and support it's what makes all this so rewarding and so much fun.