YAXS: New site from Brazil

Posted by: leco1On 2008/7/24 6:00:00 6245 reads
I made this site for monitoring the global financial market.

See the link below:


The site uses the modules of xoops more updated.

Blocks Admin 0.33 (management blocks)
SmartObject 1.00 (Framework)
Multimenu 1.74 (menus)
Smartsection 2.14 (graphics)
Wfchannel 1.07 (about us)
XHLD 3.07 (latest news)
Wordpress 2.03 (Blog Miraldo)
Cbb 3.08 (forum)
Pical 0.91 (economic calendar)
News 1.54 (technical analysis)
Smartfaq 1.08 (questions and answers)
Wordbook 1.16 (glossary)
Polls 1.00 (polls)
WF-Downloads 3.1 (downloads)
Even News 2.1 (newletter)
SmartPartner 2.00 (partners)
MySerach 1.00 (searches on the site)
Web 1.22 (links)
Sitemap 1.3 (site map)
Happy Linux 0.4 (framework)
xm memberstats 2.0 (statistics of users)
1.6 contact us (contact form)
log counter x 2.71 (statistics of the logs)
xoop stats 0.6 (statistics of hits)

The themes used are Zetagenesis and Morphogenesis_v2.

Please, note that the google ads were inserted into theme.html file and in custom blocks.

I used two columns because of graphics.

Thank you to all xoopers for developing the modules and themes used.