YAXS: One more site on xoops deployed!

Posted by: rewwerOn 2008/5/17 23:50:00 6517 reads
One more site was deployed by me Moscow Rollers site of "Rechnoy vokzal", it not so fancy like previous MSTUCA (see previous news) I apologize in advance, it's only in Russian language for the time being, but soon I'll try to make it a multi-language GOOGLE Map location link - rollers place about. What this site for, just a fun site about rollers, roller trick, etc; for whom this? For rollers of course... Ok let see what is interesting here:

as usual:
News - News module (without comments)
XCGal - Photo gallery (with some subcategories to store different types of photos)
WFDownloads - File archive (to store some materials, files, documentations, books, etc)
UserPage - without comments
XoopsPoll - questions for simple surveys, opinions etc
MyLinks - to point some other interesting resources
ExtCal - calendar to point special events
XMMemberstats - comments not needed
NewBBEx - Forum as it could be...
Contact - users to contact an Admin if there is no other way to contact ;)
SmartPartner - to place partner banners and info about them...
GoogleMaps - point some locations locations and directions...
+ some administrative modules like - XoopsInfo, Protector and altsys and tinyEditor...

So that's all about technical site... Here is small story on how this site was done ;)...
The site was recreated about 2-3 times (free hosting, you should know what does it mean )... First time it was just simple as it could be - chat and forum and nothing els more cause nothing more was needed... then I started to think about creating something more... how a Russian Proverb says - "initiative is punishable ;) - which means "If you say that you can or could do it - then do it and then worry about it" something like that... so I've started to practice on local host (DENWER, then XAMPP - more adapted for hosting servers), about 2-3 weeks of headaches on local host; then about the same time to search for free hosting and free domain name, and here it comes first version of rollers site... it worked online about 2 month - and then the host died (Oh damn!!! :(( not now!!!) so that was not good, cause I had only very old back ups saved... it took me about a moth to recreate it and readapt for Russian language (thanks to XOOPS2.RU - Russian support)... so it looks now like this... that's all :) , a big-small story about my first fully deployed site on the web...

any opinions and corrections are appreciated... Thank you XOOPers! again and again...

P.S.1 /Sorry I've forgot to include that small story to my previous post...

P.S.2 /a few more sites coming up...
Viva la XOOPS

Sorry for my English, cause its not my native language, need more practice ;) ...