YAXS: New web site of MSTUCA
Posted by: rewwerOn 2008/5/16 23:50:00 7178 readsNew web site of MSTUCA (Moscow State Technical University of Civil Aviation) was published...
It took too long (6-8 month) for me to finish it early, couse when i start it, there was was many thing to do and undo ;), and its still only avalible only on russian language, but if some one interested may use translate.google.com ore tranlslate.ru service to view it on preferred language...
so whats modules was used to deploy it finally:
NEWS - as usual
SMARTSECTION - static information storage
SMARTPARTNER - no comments
XCGALLARY - photo gallery
eXtCal - for pointing some dates (students, teachers, enterprise, etc)
MYIFRAME - to point and seamlessly interact with a web site some outer resources
USERPAGE - each user can create a personal page about him self or anything else (authorized of course)
SITEMAP - without comments
CONTACT US - contact module to contact with a different departments via web form (with captcha of course)
XHLD0 - to import some aviation head lune news on site...
RSSFit - out of comments...
XMMEBERSTATS - who is online
DMS - for document management, currently disabled and turned off, cause it was not suitable enough...
SMARTFAQ - soon be applied and enabled to help users with the questions, "HOW to do ..."
so and a couple of administrative modules, to help being it managed more comfortable and securely...
Oh my, it was my longest, hardest, and most brain storming project for my university by me, cause some things did not work correctly, did not adapted for my needs, and so on... but I did it, but only with your help and support, VERY BIG THANKS TO YOU XOOPERS, if I had used other CMS for it, I think, i would lose a half of my brain...
sorry my English its not my native languge... :|
if need some Russian translations of modules i can publish it just PM2me