Modules: xpetitions 0.19 BETA1
Posted by: informatuxOn 2008/5/2 9:40:00 6910 readsHello,
"XPETITIONS" Module evolves/moves with new functionalities required by the users.
"XPETITIONS" is a module of multilangages petitions on lines developed for xoops v.2.0.x. It enables you to manage as many petitions as you wish, extract the signatories by csv file, to decorate your forms of signature by controls captcha, etc.
Developed additional functionalities:
- Settings: Signatures validation by email or double click
- Settings: Choice of the Editor type (for the seizure of the petitions)
- Management of the signatures: Forced validation of the unconfirmed signatories
- Management of the emails (NEW): Modification of the emails contents sent to the authors of signatures
- Management of the fields (NEW): Management of the visible and required form fields of the petitions signatures
- Style sheet: Modification of the petitions dynamic bars(clear: both)
- Signature Form: Dynamic message following selected option (email or Automatic)
- Signatures (visualization): Between brackets, posting of the job (if it) if not posting of the country (if it) if not removal of the brackets
- Signatures (visualization): Suppression of the last comma after the last signatory of the list
I count on you to test this new version 0.19 BETA 1.
Tests started on Xoops 2.0.16 hacké with Final Multilanguages 2.0.7 and on Xoops 2.0.18.
The module is downloadable on its site:
For the feedbacks, thank you to use the forum of the site.
Thank you with all for your feedbacks and to make evolve the module to a stable version 0.20.