News: Xoops Norway reopened

Posted by: MambaOn 2008/4/2 19:10:00 6238 reads
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XOOPS Norway, the Website providing support for Norwegian users of XOOPS has been reopened with an updated look and improved structure.

Rune and earplane did a great job bringing the Website up to date, and supporting Norwegian users in the past.

Not everybody speaks English well enough to take advantage of our main site here, therefore it is so important to have these local support sites. And since it is never enough to thank all the people who support XOOPS users in their native languages, we would like to use this opportunity to do just that - to Rune, Earplane, and all the other XOOPS community members who support XOOPS users around the world - a BIG THANK YOU!!!!

The list of XOOPS local support Websites is long, but if you're missing your native language among them, please let us know.

And if you would like to start a new XOOPS support site, please let us know as well - we are always happy to see XOOPS being represented in new countries.