XOOPS: Xoops Need People for the Sub-teams Creation

Posted by: w4z004On 2002/9/18 2:34:33 6820 reads
Well , first, sorry for me bad english.

If you would like to be added to Xoops Sub-teams post a reply to this article.

We are looking:

1 - Beta Testers : People that know a little of coding and have time to evaluate and test new features.

2 - Support Sites : We have a number of support sites already but if you live in a country with a language that not have a support site yet and would like to be added..... post a comment.

3 - Module Creators : Module migration and bug fixing.

4 - Designers : that know xhtml transitional and strict, too with a good manage of css.
And graphic Artist.

Please have a little of patient i go to contact with all.
And if i'm reply to the comment with a emailing or contacting and not receive me mail, please send me a mail.

And Remember that just in this momment Xoops are in the middle of a big transition. The next RC3.1 go to have Mayor conceptual changes.