Hacks: No More Bots - XOOPS Antibot Signup

Posted by: wishcraftOn 2007/12/18 2:23:47 8028 reads
Author: Simon Roberts (wishcraft)
Download: xoopsAntiBotSignup.zip
Version: 1.02

Have you ever noticed how some programmers have been witting spam bots that automatically sign up to your website. They signup with usernames like newz002344 and so on, this is an implementation of Captcha, that prevents bot and only humans from signing up.

All you have to do is unzip into the root of your xoops installation and CHMOD 775/777 the path /uploads/_captcha_tmp/

This required GD2 Library to be installed and utilises one of the better turning keys for registration.

It is more of a security patch! It has been tested on xoops 2.0.14 - 2.0.16, unsure if compatible with later versions.