XOOPS: Updates On Xoops.org Wiki

Posted by: XoopsCouncilOn 2007/11/23 2:28:27 7099 reads
Upon community requests since a long while ago, a Wiki module has been installed on http://www.xoops.org. The Wiki is intended to be a community-driven place to allow people build our documents by adding and editing wiki pages, providing resources, helping people use wiki, etc.

As you may have noticed, the Wiki is being edited and updated and grows up very rapidly in the past couple of days. One specific job worthy to mention, the "XOOPS Operation Guide" has been almost finished imported by XOOPS user "BlueStocking".

Upon her application for wiki management permission, the XOOPS Project Council would nominated BlueStocking as a Wiki Maintainer to maintain the Wiki together with the existent WikiMaintainer irmtfan.
The responsibilities of WikiMaintainers mainly include:
1 Managing the Wiki module with some special permissions not assigned to ordinary users
2 Keeping the Wiki a safe place without spam and improper contents.
3 Helping people who want to contribute but having no wiki knowledge
4 Helping establish a XOOPS Project Team by communicating with or combining existent XOOPS wiki/doc sites like dev.xoops.org, sourceforge.net, xoopswiki.org, xoopsdocs.org,etc.

please write your comments in this topic for better navigation:
Your thoughts about the current wiki added to xoops.org

The XOOPS Project Council