XOOPS: Project Council report for August

Posted by: christianOn 2007/9/4 23:38:40 11193 reads


  1. phppp: core developer
  2. Christian*: overall management
  3. Dave_L: technical group
  4. studioC: theme design and new sites organization
  5. irtmfan: team communication
  6. kc0maz**: active

*The project Council decided to have a rotating chairperson position, for the month of August the Christian was the Chairperson. Dave_L will be the chairperson for September.

**KC0MAZ is a non-voting member, and not eligible to be a chairperson.

Core development

The Core Development team has released XOOPS Versions 2.0.17 and 2.2.5 these versions are primarily bug fixes. There are discussions ongoing about merging the two branches, and ending support for PHP 4 for the next major release.

Project design

The Theme Design Team has been working with the Core Dev Team with default theme, mainly for compliance fixes. Some team members have started working on a new default theme.

Technical group

The Technical group has invited two server administrators, jdseymour and Mr Xiao LI. Both are excellent additions to the Technical group, and are handling the migration of XOOPS.org and dev.XOOPS.org to the new servers.

The migration to the new servers is moving slower than expected, major updates, including a new theme, CBB 3.08 and forum structure will happen after the migration to the new servers.


A proposed forum structure has been published for public comment. Those comments are being analyzed and worked into the final forum structure. The status of the current forums is yet to be decided. They will either be archived or merged into the new structure in some fashion. More information will be posted as the migration proceeds.


One of the key areas that the XOOPS Project is lacking in is documentation. Starting very soon will be the start of an Official XOOPS Project Documentation team, look for future forum postings regarding the documentation team.